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地球上一些最美丽的零海拔城市将会变得不宜居住。Some of the world's greatest sea-level cities would become unlivable.

如果我们把地球当作城市垃圾堆一样对待,地球会变得肮脏不堪,无法生存。If we treat the earth like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable.

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如果地球自身变得无法居住,全球化还有什么用处。Globalization doesn’t do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.

和谐能保持社会稳定而冲突则导致国家动荡。Harmony can keep society safe and stable while clashes make a country unlivable.

同时,我们的城市由于大量的汽车涌入而变得不宜居住。At the same time, our cities have been made unlivable by the automobile arriving in mass quantities.

我们经常会认为一些事情是理所当然的,尽管那是大概不可能的。We always have to take certain things for granted in life, otherwise it would very probably be unlivable.

单单水资源短缺这个问题,甚至还要南水北调,在某些方面,可能导致它不适合人居住。Water shortage alone, even after water is diverted from the remote south, may render it unlivable at some point.

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为了实现中国的天命,‘中国人民’必须愿意承受腐败和环境污染的危害。"The people" must be willing to suffer the indignities ofcorruption and unlivable cities in order to achieve its destiny.

他说一旦岩浆流出,这里就无法居住了,即使你住在稍微远一点的地方也不可以,空气和灰烬变得非常得糟糕。He said once the lava begins flowing "it becomes an almost unlivable situation, even if you're a little bit farther away."

一天后,感动了一个致命的龙卷风密西西比州,州长黑利巴伯说,超过125家是不能生活。One day after a deadly tornado touched down in Mississippi, Governor Haley Barbour says more than 125 homes are unlivable.

打破别人对你的不实期望,向你周围的人证明你就要抓狂啦!And prove you're going crazy to the world around you by breaking the unlivable expectations of what you are "supposed" to be doing.

中国的发展就意味着城市不可居住,环境遭到破坏,野生动物遭受濒危的威胁。Development for China is nothing morethan unlivable cities in destroyed environments where wildlife is threatened tothe point of extinction.

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它们会怨声载道,说这是保护主义,但那又怎么样呢?如果地球自身变得无法居住,全球化还有什么用处。They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what?Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.

他说一旦岩浆流出,这里就无法居住了,即使你住在稍微远一点的地方也不可以,空气和灰烬变得非常得糟糕。He said once the lava begins flowing "it becomes an almost unlivable situation, even if you're a little bit farther away. The gases and ash become very, very bad."

现实情况是,有能力避开雾霾的人,尤其是有孩子的家庭,正在逃离北京等一些被一项中国的研究称为“不适宜居住”城市。What's happening is that those who can avoid the smog, especially families with children, are escaping what a recent Chinese study reportedly called "unlivable" cities like Beijing.

文章以城市生态背景值为依据,较为详细地分析了广州市何以在较短的时间内由一个“不适合居住”的城市变为“国际花园城市”的原因。On the basis of urban ecological background values, the paper analyses in detail why Guangzhou city that has ever been an "unlivable city" could win the title of "international garden city".