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法属波利尼西亚的心形途湃岛。Heart-shaped Tupai Island in French Polynesia.

马克萨斯群岛是法属玻利尼西亚中最大的一组岛屿。The Marquesas are among the largest groups of islands in French Polynesia.

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它是包括法属波利尼西亚在内的118个岛屿和环状珊瑚岛中最大的一个。It is the largest of the 118 islands and atolls that comprise French Polynesia.

这是构成位于南太平洋法属波利尼西亚神奇的岛屿之一。This is one of the magical islands that make up French Polynesia in the South Pacific.

在法属波利西尼亚,一个赤身裸体的小男孩站在绿蓝色的南太平洋海边。A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the South Pacific in French Polynesia.

西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚众多的岛屿就是这样产生的。The islands of the Pacific Ocean, including Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.

在法属波利尼西亚的土阿莫土群岛海域里,一队鱼儿正游过珊瑚之上。A school of fish swims over a coral formation in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia.

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麦琪的思想远离天主教而沉入了让人眼花缭乱的深蓝色中。Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.

他们航行是为了证明波利尼西亚是由来自南美的印度人开辟的。They set out to prove that the islands of Polynesia were settled by Indians from the South America.

我们来自美丽的南太平洋法属波利尼西亚群岛里面最大的岛屿——大溪地。We come from Tahiti, the beautiful and the largest island of the French Polynesia in South Pacific.

两年之后,远在6,000千米之外的法国玻里尼西亚的驼背鲸也在演唱同一首歌。After two years, humpback whales 6,000km away in French Polynesia were singing exactly the same song.

两年之后,远在6,000千米之外的法国玻里尼西亚的驼背鲸也在演唱同一首歌。After two years, humpback whales 6, 000km away in French Polynesia were singing exactly the same song.

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该图片显示的是在法属波利尼西亚,一处珍珠养殖场水下的珊瑚。A split shot shows a coral reef beneath a pearl workstation in French Polynesia 's Tuamotu Archipelago.

如今在东南亚、波利尼西亚和澳洲的土著人基因中依然可以看到这两次迁徙留下的痕迹。The two migrations have left their mark in the genes of native people in south-east Asia, Polynesia and Australia.

法属波利尼西亚是法国半自治领土,塔希提岛是其118个岛屿与岛礁中的一个。Tahiti is just one of 118 islands and atolls that make up French Polynesia , a semi-autonomous territory of France.

塔希提岛位于南太平洋中心,其系列岛屿链构成了法属波利尼西亚的全部。Thee heart and soul of the South Pacific, Tahiti is the largest in a chain of islands that make up French Polynesia.

海尔达尔知道信风和洋流从南美的海岸线承担的方向波利尼西亚。Heyerdahl knew that the trade winds and ocean currents off the South-American coastline bear in the direction of Polynesia.

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相比之下,法属波利尼西亚群岛和其他太平洋岛屿上的人们只有眼巴巴地坐以待毙,不知道汹涌的海浪何时袭来。S. , people in French Polynesia and other Pacific Islands have to wait and wait, without knowing what is about to hit them.

瓦努阿图派特使出席论坛,新喀里多尼亚和法属波利尼西亚的代表以准成员的资格出席了论坛。Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy, and New Caledonia and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members.

法属波利尼西亚预计是第一个被波及的地区,可能的海啸的到达时间是格林尼治时间1550。French Polynesia was expected to be first in the firing line, with an estimated arrival time for any potential tsunami of 1550 GMT.