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在中国,国家才是权力者。In China, it is the State that is the authoritarian.

和乔布斯一样,在他强而有力的领导下,人们走到了一起。Like Jobs, he was an authoritarian who brought people together.

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普京和梅德韦杰夫则继续加强专制控制。Putin and Medvedev continue to strengthen authoritarian control.

也就是说,专制国家主导的资本主义可能并非一无是处。That is, maybe authoritarian state-led capitalism isn’t all that bad.

按传统的利普斯特标准,我们可以认为中国是一个专制国家。By traditional Lipset standards, we would expect China to be authoritarian.

威权的图腾又怎会被选贤与能的理想给替代?How did the ideal of voting the right person replace the authoritarian ruling?

我认为,在亚裔美国人当中,专制家庭的比例最高。I think the percentage of authoritarian households was highest in Asian-Americans.

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弥尔顿在这里提出了很专制的话,很容易被人漏读。Milton's striking such a strange authoritarian note here that it's easy to skip over it.

经理风格的两极是权力主义者和自由主义者。The two polarities of managerial type are the Authoritarian and the Libertarian manager.

专制国家偏执地使用一党专制的政治制度。Above all, an authoritarian state intolerant of dissent and a one-party political system.

还是这种现象只在专权当道、国会无用的社会中存在?Or does the phenomenon exist only in an authoritarian society with no functioning parliament?

经过锐意改革,威权统治逐渐解体,民主之路蔚为康庄大道。Through tenacious reform, authoritarian rule gradually gave way to the boulevard of democracy.

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学童在威权体制中学会因应之道,或发展维持民主的基本能力。Children learn to cope in an authoritarian regime or develop essential skills to sustain a democracy.

所以我曾多次强调过,霍布斯在他的政治主张中,具有专制独裁的一面。Let me mention, I've emphasized in many ways the absolutist and authoritarian side of Hobbes' teaching.

洛克开始其职业生涯的一方专制宗教强加,但很快改变了主意。Locke began his career on the side of authoritarian religious impositions, but quickly changed his mind.

但,我们要向专制的政府干涉日常生活及家庭生育的行为说“不”。But "No" to authoritarian government intrusion into the lives and reproductive biologies of all families.

许多西方投资这认为,专治的中国政府绝不容许对人民币失去这么多的控制。Such a loss of control, said many Western investors, would never be allowed by the authoritarian Chinese.

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这些人勇气可嘉,但是在这庞大繁琐的机构面前,他们又是如此的微不足道。Their courage is evident, but so is their smallness in the face of a vast and complex authoritarian system.

中国高铁系统概括了当局管理内在的问题而非实力。China’s high-speed rail system epitomizes the inherent flaws of authoritarian governance, not its strengths.

简言之,中欧地区在市场社会主义与专制资本主义之间看似没有出路。In short, Central Europe was seen as doomed to choose between market socialism and authoritarian capitalism.