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美国爱荷华州立大学的布希曼著了先鞭。Brad J. Bushman of Iowa State University took the lead.

布什曼也让学生们用强噪音轰击彼此。Bushman also had the students blast each other with loud noises.

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布什曼相信暴力游戏导致年轻人对暴力不敏感。Bushman believes that violent video games desensitize young people.

但是布什曼研究小组觉得他们最初的设计可能有点缺陷。But Bushman and his team worried that their first design had flaws.

那个小布什曼向四周望望,以弄清楚那儿确实没有人。The little Bushman looked round to make sure that nobody was there.

布西曼向这位制作人坦言,他不愿意这样做。That would be the worst thing he could do, Bushman told the producer.

阳光和阴影突出了奥卡万戈河独木舟上的布西曼族人。Sunlight and shadows highlight a river Bushman in a canoe in the Okavango River.

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研究负责人布莱德·布什曼认为年轻人也许对自身肯定和赞誉有些过分迷信了。Lead researcher Brad Bushman believes that young people may be "addicted" to self-esteem.

游客在这里能够观赏到远古丛林居民遗留下来的绝佳岩画。Here, visitors can view some of the incredible rock paintings left behind by the ancient Bushman people.

“我们尽量弄出你认为人们最讨厌的各种噪音,”布什曼说。"We try to make the noise as unpleasant as possible by thinking of every noise you hate, " Bushman said.

但这位制作人称,这些活动无助于提高收视率,布西曼因此并没有受邀参加这档节目。Those activities would not make for good television, the producer said, and Bushman was not invited on the show.

研究证实,图图大主教体内有布什曼人DNA线粒体——一种从其母系血统中遗传下来的基因元素。Archbishop Tutu turns out to have Bushman mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down through the female line.

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我的朋友们说,那个布须曼人是在等待他死去,然后将死者的水罐、皮带和鞋子拿走。The Bushman was waiting for him to die, my friends said. He was waiting to take the traveler's water bottle, belt and shoes.

布希曼把他请到一旁,向他解释其中的利害,他不会希望全国观众都把他看作一个极为粗暴的自恋者,对不对?Bushman then took him aside and explained that he might not want to be seen by a national audience as a highly aggressive narcissist.

出席的游客付钱观看这样的仪式,这种仪式也给布希曼族带来了金钱和健康。Attended by tourists who pay to watch such ceremonies, this ritual helps sustain Bushman communities, bringing both money and healing.

戴维也说当他们在德克萨斯州达拉斯会面戴维拍制“从这里到仙女座”时候布什曼先生亲自告诉他这个。David also said that Mr. Bushman told him this in person, when they met in Dallas, TX when David was filming "From Here To Andromeda".

西开普省西达堡山以岩石艺术遗产著名,有130个文件证明布西曼族岩石艺术地。The Cedarberg mountain range in the Western Cape is renowned for its rock-art legacy. It has around 130 documented bushman rock art sites.

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布什曼多次运行模型并且警告仅在2039年一颗小行星能够撞击我们,但是布什曼先生认为现在将要去撞击。Bushman has run the model several times and warned him about an Asteroid that could hit us but in 2039, but Mr Bushman thinks that is going to hit now.

我们在实验中发现的影响非常大,这表明祈祷行为对冷却愤怒和攻击倾向也许确实是有效的。"The effects we found in these experiments were quite large, which suggests that prayer may really be an effective way to calm anger and aggression," Bushman said.

研究的作者布拉德•布什曼说“美国社会似乎认为自尊是治愈各种社会病的良方,比如低分、少年孕妇、暴力。Study author Brad Bushman says “American society seems to believe that self-esteem is the cure all for every social ill, from bad grades to teen pregnancies to violence.