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驯服你的胃。Tame your tummy.

驯虎不易。It's hard to tame a tiger.

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野鹅生蛋可驯化。A wild goose lay a tame egg.

松鼠是非常温驯的。The squirrels are very tame.

永康路一个平淡的夜晚。A tame night on Yongkang Road.

我们将要征服叶尼塞河!‘We’ll tame the Yenisey river!’

野鹅生不出温驯的蛋。A wild goose never laid a tame egg.

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象其他家猫那样,他也有爪子。Like other tame cats, he had his claws.

你要去驯服那匹战马?You're going to tame the jousting steed?

我们正设法驯服一匹发了疯的马。We are trying to tame a really mad horse.

使龙虎降服驯顺。Make dragon tiger surrender tame and docile.

像一只只寻草的小兔子。Like many tame goats and grass-seeking rabbits.

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如何驯服对电视和电脑成癖的孩子则需要一些技巧。A trickier question is how to tame a techno kid.

当这个略显平淡的全明星周末曲终人散的时分。After a quiet, relatively tame All-Star Weekend.

Tame在他的马拉松一半的地方说。Tame says at the half-way point of his marathon.

这只鸟养得太温驯了,现在很难在野生环境中生存。The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.

实际上我们在自家的房子里也有闸刀。We actually have a tame guillotine in our house.

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一对驯鹿无拘无束地在室内跑来跑去。A brace of tame deer ran familiarly about the house.

我不认为它会有什么作用——因为你不可能驯服大海。I don't think it will work – you can't tame the sea.

这样做无疑像要驯服火山一样徒劳无功。This would be as futile as trying to tame a volcano.