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偶尔能听到飞机掠过的声音。Occasionally could be heard the drone of an unmolested 'plane.

这些文件安然无恙地经过了多年的战乱和发掘。The documents survived unmolested through centuries of war and upheaval.

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这证件将使她能平安无事地通过敌人防线。This document will enable her to pass through the enemy lines unmolested.

之前,很大程度上他们肆无忌惮的壮大,几十年来,腐蚀了警界和政界。These had thrived, largely unmolested , for decades, infecting the police and politics.

在原来代码健壮和稳定的情况不必害怕复制。Code fearlessly on the copy, while the original remains fully functional and unmolested.

说实在的,大家都知道美国是你可以不受干扰而追求繁荣与自由的一个好地方。Mind you, everyone understood America to be a free and good place where one might prosper unmolested.

我很喜欢走过那种孤寂的暗礁似的小岛的堤岸,海鸟生长在那里,没有人去骚扰它们。I shall delight to pass the shores of those lone rock-islets where the sea-birds live and breed unmolested.

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如果不去特意干扰,它将会或多或少保持其诞生时的状态,逐渐冷却,然后黯淡下来。If left unmolested , it stays more or less in the state it was born, gradually cooling down and fading out.

他们也并非是心甘情愿地来这里接受这片丰饶的土地给予他们天伦享乐之祝福的。They came not with their own consent, to find an unmolested enjoyment of the blessings of this fruitful soil.

当蚱蜢能够悠闲地漫游散步时,草内储存的二氧化碳比蜘蛛大约多1.4倍。Grasses stored 1.4 times as much carbon with spiders about than when grasshoppers were allowed to roam unmolested.

甲板防空炮和盟军武装商船。照片背景,一队蒸汽式护航舰队正驶向欧洲。Anti-aircraft armament aboard an Allied armed merchant. In the background, a convoys steams unmolested into Europe.

在海盗担心的这一点上他们很幸运,无声无息没有麻烦得趁夜色顺德加湖向下。They had been fortunate where the pirates were concerned, slipping down Dagger Lake by night, unseen and unmolested.

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轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

实验用的11只公猴子直奔翻斗火车等带轮子的玩具,对毛绒玩具几乎置之不理。The 11 male monkeys headed straight for the wheeled toys, such as dump trucks, leaving the plush toys more-or-less unmolested.

我来试着翻译一下轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。Elite Light Infantry Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

令他们十分意外的是,这种偏好的确跟性别有关。实验用的11只公猴子直奔翻斗火车等带轮子的玩具,对毛绒玩具几乎置之不理。Much to their surprise, they did. The 11 male monkeys headed straight for the wheeled toys, such as dump trucks, leaving the plush toys more-or-less unmolested.

除此之外,再有没有别的办法至少可以限制朝鲜核武器,朝鲜也在暗中努力增强武器。There is no other way to work towards at least capping North Korea's nuclear weaponry, which, unmolested and uninspected, it is presumably doing its best to enhance.