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把密探带走。Take the spy.

最好的间谍?Best spy ever?

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这是间谍的天职。This is the job of a spy.

警方侦查出一名间谍。The police detected a spy.

我们来刺探杰里科城的情报。We want to spy in Jericho.

告诉我们你是个间谍就行了。Just tell us you are a spy.

那个精瘦的间谍邪恶地笑了。The little spy smiled evilly.

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那密探盯那妇人的梢。The spy dodged with the lady.

女孩喳喳地叫起来,“有一个间谍来买我的土豆了。I've a spy buying my tomatoes!

他们已经追捕到那个间谍。They have tracked down the spy.

间谍口渴得难受极了。He spy was maddened with thirst.

这个间谍用密码发送情报。The spy sent his message in code.

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在特工之后你又该做些什么呢?What do you do after being a spy?

没人知道他是个商业间谍。No one knew he was a business spy.

民兵抓著了一个特务。The militiaman walked the spy off.

民兵把那个特务带走了。The militiaman walked the spy off.

这个间谍用韩密码发送情报。Thee spy sent his message in code.

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他们设法找出了这个间谍。They managed to winkle out the spy.

“是个密探么?”克朗彻问。"Was He a spy?" asked Mr. Cruncher.

密探发现我们了,我们最好还是躲起来。The spy is onto us,we'd better hide.