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希尔说,"我们遵守在30天内宣布裁定的要求。We met our 30-day requirement by announcing the rule.

喇叭高鸣,宣告总统之抵达。The trumpet blared, announcing the president's arrival.

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虽然很多事件已经过去很久了,但页面中仍然保留有与之相关的侧栏。Some pages still had sidebars announcing events long gone.

iPad需要一个完美的问世。The iPad needed announcing and then last-minute perfecting.

在宣布辞职的同时,Haarade称自己患有喉癌。Announcing his resignation, Haarde said he had throat cancer.

在宣布千米塔3个月后,Nakheel公司推迟了计划。Three months after announcing its 1km tower, Nakheel postponed it.

所以,今天我们发布了首份联邦纳税人税收收据。So today, we're announcing the first-ever federal taxpayer receipt.

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联合航空公司,从北京返回的9435号班机已经到达。United Airlines announcing the arrival of flight 9435 from Beijing.

在旧金山的街道两旁挂满了美国胸科协会会议的标语。Signs announcing the ATS Conference line the streets in San Francisco.

还有,他曾站在天安门城楼上,宣告新中国的成立。Moreover, he stood on the Tiananmen rostrum, announcing its foundation.

乐队宣布解散这一消息出人意料,震惊了整个摇滚音乐界。R.E.M. shocked the rock world by announcing a wholly unexpected breakup.

五郎回来了,报告大家蝴蝶和女伴们来到。Goro now returns, announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions.

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综合控方和辩方的意见,陪审团审议了25个小时之后还是陷入了僵局。The jury deliberated for 25 hours before announcing they were deadlocked.

十九年后,我宣布从专业篮坛退休。After 19 years, I'm announcing my retirement from professional basketball.

因此对冲基金不能,在报纸上买广告位,为自己宣传So, what business do you have to buy ads in newspapers announcing yourself.

有声音从但传扬,从以法莲山报祸患。A voice is announcing from Dan, proclaiming disaster from the hills of Ephraim.

卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.

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马略卡即将宣布与切尔西进攻球员特杰拉德签约。Real Mallorca are close to announcing a deal for Chelsea attacker Sergio Tejera.

盖特利10年前公开自己的同性恋身份,在流行音乐界引起轰动。Gately caused a sensation in the pop world 10 years ago by announcing he was gay.

更大的公司,像Rho和其他的也将宣布会尽快成立新的开发基金。Larger players like Rho and others will all be announcing new funds soon as well.