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科学家也以相似方式对流质进行研究。Ectoplasm has been studied in a similar fashion.

解散由星质构成的目标。Dismiss Ectoplasm. Dissipates ectoplasmic targets.

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你创造一个保护性的障碍物。Wall of Ectoplasm. You create a protective barrier.

突然间我见要听从一个鬼魂的?Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm?

突然我从一个鬼魂那里得到了人生的方向?。Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm?

当灵媒重新吸收流质时,这个重量转移被反转。When the medium reabsorbed the ectoplasm this weight transfer was reversed.

被精灵撕成碎片的尸体以残留在伤口上的外质活化而成。Creatures born in bodies torn apart by spirits animated by the ectoplasm left in the wounds.

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它将灵媒身体的物质部转换至另一种物质——流质。It converts part of the physical mass of the mediums body into another substance, ectoplasm.

被精灵撕成碎片的尸体以残留在伤口上的外质活化而成。Creatures born in bodies torn apart by spirits, animated by the ectoplasm left in the wounds.

但是,这样的行为会将人们变为人人自危、记旧账和指责。But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.

每日三次,穿戴者能对30英尺内的目标施展“星质纠缠”。Three times per day, the wearer can manifest entangling ectoplasm against a target within 30 feet.

这些灵媒被观察到正在失去重量的速率与另一架秤上流质增加重量的速率完全一致。These mediums were observed to lose weight at exactly the same rate as the weighed ectoplasm gained weight.

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是植物细胞的细胞质内层,含有主要的细胞器。比较。Endoplasm The inner layer of cytoplasm in plant cells, which contains the main organelles. Compare ectoplasm.

那投手能使用其他法术强迫这个鬼魂出现,或者提供给他能显现的外质。The caster can use other spells to compel the ghost to manifest, or can provide ectoplasm for its manifestation.

与死人交流的人在接触灵魂世界时,据说会产生一种灵的外质。People who communicate with the dead are supposed to produce ectoplasm when they are in touch with the spirit world.

该系典型异能包括各种“星质构装体”异能、“造粮术”、“星质蔓生怪”、“星质墙”。Representative powers include the various astral construct powers, create food and water, ectoplasmic shambler, and wall of ectoplasm.

该盾牌成为墙的一部分,直到持续时间结束或持用者取回它,同时星质墙将消散。The shield remains part of the wall until the duration elapses or until repossessed by the wearer, at which time the wall of ectoplasm dissipates.