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她多少还有点挂念康斯坦斯。She was somewhat concerned about Constance.

好,那以后我就叫你康斯坦斯。Okay, I'm gonna call you Constance from now on.

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“我想他有点儿淘气,”康斯坦丝说道。I think he was a bit of a devil, " Constance said."

他的姐姐,诗人康斯坦斯•厄当在1996年去世。His sister, the poet Constance Urdang, died in 1996.

他的妻子康斯坦斯被指定为其受益人。His wife Constance was designated as his beneficiary.

“我们让更多的人每一年,”波特说康斯坦斯。"We get more people every year, " says Constance Potter.

看起来康斯坦斯也打听到诗句的事。It seems to me that Constance also knew about the verses.

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我住在康士顿斯湖附近的亲戚家里。I had stayed in a relative's apartment near lake Constance.

这位“康斯坦茨女市民”一定会喜欢她的第二故乡。The Lady from Constance" will surely love her second home."

中音萨克斯喉舌更适合直颈康斯。Alto saxophone mouthpiece is more suitable for Constance neck directly.

“好的。康斯坦斯告诉我你们去镇上游玩了。”托马斯说。"Good. Constance told me that you went to visit the town, " said Thomas.

康湖过去是受过污染的,但近年来变清了。Constance used to be polluted but it had been cleaned up in recent years.

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他没有得到通行护照,只带着一个人为旅伴,便向康士坦司出发了。Without a safe-conduct he set out, with a single companion, for Constance.

瑞士也和邻国共同拥有康斯坦斯湖和马焦雷湖。Switzerland also shares Lake Constance and Lake Maggiore with its neighbors.

你能给康斯坦斯解释为什么不给她买胸罩?And are you going to explain to my Constance why she cannot have her braces ?

这是为什么,一个雍容自在的少女康士丹斯·勒德使他颠倒了。Therefore the peculiar soft assurance of a girl like Constance Reid fascinated him.

档案学康斯坦斯波特是不奇怪的夏天是不准备完全放弃。Archivist Constance Potter isn't surprised that Summer isn't ready to give up entirely.

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希尔达和康士丹斯婉妹俩,都曾在十八岁的时候初试爱情。Both Hilda and Constance had had their tentative love-affairs by the time they were eighteen.

他的父亲去世了,克利福从那时起便成了准男爵---克利福爵士,康士丹斯自然也成了查太来夫人。His father had died, Clifford was now a baronet, Sir Clifford, and Constance was Lady Chatterley.

帆船被认为是在康斯坦茨湖日黄昏时分,2009年7月22日于Bregenz,奥地利。A sailing boat is seen at sunset on Lake Constance on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 in Bregenz, Austria.