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该患者患有臀沟和脐溃疡以及肛周脓肿。The patient had a natal cleft and umbilical ulceration and a perianal abscess.

例2在脚趾根部出现痛性网状紫斑及皮肤溃疡。In case 2, painful skin ulceration of the dorsum of the right foot was developed.

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图示刚超过幽门部的十二指肠的急性溃疡。Seen here is a penetrating acute ulceration in the duodenum just beyond the pylorus.

容易造成嘴破、口腔发炎等等口腔溃烂的情形。Easily lead to broken mouth, oral inflammation and so on the case of oral ulceration.

图示黏膜层可见溃疡,内有大量的中性粒细胞渗出。Here, the mucosa shows ulceration and undermining by an extensive neutrophilic exudate.

严重者可出现明显面部畸形,并可发生溃疡及出血。Sometimes, AVMS might be associated with severe disfiguration, ulceration and bleeding.

目的探讨下肢静脉性溃疡的有效疗法。Objective To evaluate the effective treatment of venous ulceration of the lower extremity.

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提示CP感染与慢性胃炎和消化性溃疡的发生有一定的因果关系。CP is suggested to be etiologically associated with chronic gastritis and peptic ulceration.

皮肤科曾诊断为结节性红斑、毛囊炎、生殖器溃疡。The initial diagnoses from dermatology were erythema nodosum, folliculitis and genital ulceration.

目的探讨血竭粉治疗溃疡期褥疮的疗效。ObjectiveTo study the efficacy of dragon's blood powder in the treatment of bed-sore at ulceration.

每隔四周检查及活化弹簧一次,并纪录口腔组织有无溃疡现象。Every four weeks, reactivation of coil spring is performed and ulceration of oral mucosa is recorded.

目的探讨下肢静脉性溃疡的血流动力学变化情况。Objective To study changes of the venous blood flow dynamics in patients with lower extremity ulceration.

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减轻跖肌足部压力和尽可能减少跖肌足部溃疡看来是一条正确的道路。That seems to be the right way to go to relief plantar foot pressure and minimize plantar foot ulceration.

结节状的凸起,变厚的胃皱摺或息肉般的病灶并随著溃疡的有或无是常见的影像学表现。Nodules, thickened gastric folds, and polypoid lesions with or without ulceration are common imaging findings.

目的探讨褪黑激素和血清素对鼠胃酒精性溃疡形成及黏膜血流的影响。Objective Effects of melatonin and serotonin on ethanol induced ulceration in the rat stomach were investigated.

目的总结提高严重烧伤延迟复苏患者应激性溃疡的早期综合防治经验。Objective To summarize the therapy of stress ulceration hemorrhage in patients with delayed fluid resuscitation.

这项工作提示,牛胰多肽可能通过防止局部生长抑素的耗竭对十二指肠起到保护作用。It suggests that BPP may protect duodenal mucosa from ulceration by preventing local SRIF depletion caused by cysteamine.

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糖尿病足问题是由血管和神经的变化引起的,可导致溃烂和随后截肢。Diabetic foot problems are caused by changes in blood vessels and nerves that can lead to ulceration and subsequent limb amputation.

急性痔危症定义为疼痛性内痔脱垂或绞扼的脱垂造成内痔无法回复并导致栓塞、溃疡或坏疽。Acute hemorrhoidal crisis was defined as painful fixed prolapse or strangulated prolapse leading to thrombosis, ulceration or gangrene.

导致停止试验的最常见不良事件为外周水肿、口腔炎、皮疹和口腔溃疡。Peripheral edema, stomatitis, rash, and mouth ulceration were the most frequent adverse events resulting in discontinuation in the trial.