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他还开始变得沮丧不已。De Koff also became despondent.

我们只能失望地回到山洞里。We head back to our caves, despondent.

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他那时已经觉得很虚弱很颓唐了。He was feeling very weak—and despondent.

说我有些沮丧已经算是轻描淡写了。To say I was despondent is an understatement.

当我沮丧时,我的同室室友给我鼓劲。When I get despondent my roommate cheer me up.

但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40.

后来有一次,伍迪沮丧的坐在更衣室里。Afterwards, in the dressing room, Woody was despondent.

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离开哥本哈根时,哥比以往更为沮丧。I left Copenhagen more despondent than I have felt in a long time.

裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent attitude.

裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent atttitude.

但是,我们是否就该因此悲观而怀忧丧志呢?However, we respect so pessimistic and despondent pregnant worry about it?

当我问到美国梦对他们意味着什么的时候,马克看起来很沮丧。When I asked what the American Dream means to them, Mark looked despondent.

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P电话,他沮丧的告诉他尊敬的人说他已经无以为生了。He was despondent and told the reverend that he had nothing left to live for.

一位神情沮丧的女人走在海边,突然她看见了沙滩上有一个瓶子。A despondent woman was walking along the beach when she saw a bottle on the sand.

史奈德想起,她父亲回到他们在小公寓的家,看起来万念俱灰。Ms. Snyder recalled her father coming home to their small apartment utterly despondent.

要是说身体的疾病令人畏惧,那么心理的骚乱则让人失魂落魄,仿佛行尸走肉。If physical diseases are awesome, then mental melees makes one despondent like a zombie.

有时凯里夫人也会因为失去了30多年的伴侣而感到消沉。Mrs. Carey hasat times been despondent at the loss of her partner of more than 30 years.

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成功就是你被击落到失望的深渊之后反弹得有多高。Suceess is when you are rebounded high after being shooted down to the despondent abyss.

当我走出房子去工作的时候,感觉无比沮丧万分失望。So when I made it out of the house and started for work, I felt pretty dumpy and despondent.

维什拉姆的居民起先表示怀疑,随后兴奋起来,但很快就陷入了沮丧。The residents of Vishram are at first suspicious, then delighted, but they soon grow despondent.