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这对夫妇关系已经破裂。The couple have split.

他们救出了杜威夫妇。They saved the couple.

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我们是一对佳偶。We make a good couple.

数以百千立方公尺。A couple hundred kilos.

这对夫妻是近亲结婚。The couple is relatives.

他们是一对恩爱夫妻。They're a devoted couple.

就在几个星期之内。Within a couple of weeks.

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他把一间屋子租给一对夫妇。He let a room to a couple.

这是一对老年夫妇了。This is an elderly couple.

两个人未必就是一对。Every couple is not a pair.

这对夫妇痛苦地呻吟。The couple groaned in pain.

这两口子常吵架。The couple often disagreed.

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老两口开了一家客栈。The old couple kept an inn.

这对老夫妻生活得很富裕。The old couple live at ease.

我们看到了一对中年夫妇。We saw a middle-aged couple.

我们去了两三家酒吧。We went to a couple of bars.

我们俩很般配。We're a well-matched couple.

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把那串香蕉给我。Give me that couple of plums.

野鸭夫妇过来了。Here come the mallard couple.

一对夫妇搬到一起住。One couple moved in together.