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烘烤饼干。Bake cookies.

回去烤蛋糕?Back to bake cookies?

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饼干烘得很快。Biscuits bake quickly.

烘烤5分多钟。Bake for 5 more minutes.

猫不会烤蛋糕。A cat cannot bake a cake.

第一次与淘淘一起做蛋糕。Toto and me bake some cakes.

香香的糖烤栗子就好了。Turn the chestnuts and bake.

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然后在阳光下焙干成型。Then left to bake in the sun.

放入烤炉中烘烤20分钟左右。Bake about 20min or until set.

把沙锅菜烤一小时。Bake the casserole for an hour.

烤,烘或加香料水煮。Broil, bake or poach it with dill

汤姆特别喜欢烤蛋糕。Tom really likes to bake cookies.

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盛入烤箱烘约8分钟,取出,置凉备用。Bake for 8 minutes. Leave to cool.

我现在要为特蕾西烤几个小面包。We bake bread and cake in an oven.

一起烤核仁巧克力饼或纸托蛋糕.Bake brownies or cupcakes together.

从头开始一起做小饼干。Bake cookies together from scratch.

我现在要为特蕾西烤几个小面包。I will bake Tracy several buns now.

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面包是修士们自己烘烤的。The monks bake bread by themselves.

放置在烤箱中间的那格。Bake them in the middle of the oven.

我可以教她如何烤蛋糕。I could show her how to bake a cake.