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另一种选择是“面包”。The other alternative was "baguette".

烤面包或三明治或法包,蛋,烟肉或火腿,早餐肠,土豆条。With toast or Baguette or sandwich, eggs, bacon or ham.

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煎饼,烤面包或三明治或法包,橙汁,咖啡或茶。Pancake, toast or Baguette or sandwich , coffee or tea, orange juice.

维多利亚让面包屑从法式面包上掉下来,其余的食物让她变的饱了。Victoria had the crumb off a baguette and she was sated for the rest of the meal.

他说十年之前,一个法式长棍的价格是10美分,而现在却要40多美分。He says 10 years ago, one baguette cost 10 cents. Now it costs more than 40 cents.

其中一个跳到我的腿上抓我正准备涂上黄油的法国面包。One jumped into my lap and snatched the hunk of baguette I was just about to butter.

梨形主钻在长形侧钻的配衬下,优雅迷人。An elegant pear-shaped diamond is gracefully embraced by tapered baguette side stones.

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在卑尔根的水产市场,你可以买到不少新鲜的美味,比如夹着龙虾肉和黄瓜片的法式三明治。At Bergen’s Fish Market, you can buy fresh tasty, classic shrimp-and-cucumber on baguette sandwiches.

在卑尔根的水产市场,你可以买到不少新鲜的美味,比如夹着龙虾肉和黄瓜片的法式三明治。At Bergen’s Fish Market , you can buy fresh tasty, classic shrimp-and-cucumber on baguette sandwiches.

就像法式面包和软奶酪一样,美酒同样也是法国的精髓,这“三件套”往往就是一顿饭。Fine wine is as quintessentially French as a baguette and soft cheese, and the three have made many a meal.

在一处可以眺望多维尔山谷的地方,我们撕开最后一根法式面包,又到彭雷维克填饱了肚子。In a field overlooking the Touques valley, we ripped up our last baguette and filled it with Pont l'Evêque.

与芝加哥意式牛肉三明治一样,法式蘸汁三明治用烤牛薄片夹在法国棍子面包里做成。Like the Chicago Italian beef, the L.A. French Dip is made with thinly sliced roast beef served on a baguette.

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烤盘铺上烤纸,先洒粗麦粉,然后再洒上一层黑麦粉。Shape each half into a baguette and place them on a baking paper sprinkled with the enough semolina, then with rye flour.

十颗圆形的钻石悬吊着水滴形的蓝宝石,还有一颗方形的钻石,镶嵌在白金里,光辉无比炫目。Drop shape oval blue sapphires with ten round diamonds and one baguette diamond. Set in white gold for an unbelievable shine.

还有,他们可以挖掘出那些伟大的领袖啊,用他们的头做一组,我知道配上法国长棍面包,一定不错。Plus, they can dig up the great and dear leaders, and make a form of pate which I understand is quite nice with French baguette.

学习如何烘焙视频混合于面粉面包酵母和面包的配方和技巧的传统法国面包配方。Learn how to mix yeast and flour for a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.

新鲜瑞士芝士加金黄洋葱和嫩煎的蘑菇,与薄薄的鲜嫩牛肉融为一体,配以法式面包、体验异国美食。Thinly sliced rib-eye steak dripping with melted Swiss cheese in a bed of grilled onions and sautéed mushrooms on a French baguette.

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新鲜瑞士芝士加金黄洋葱和嫩煎�蘑菇,与薄薄的鲜嫩牛肉融为一体,配以法式面包、体验异国美食。Thinly sliced rib-eye steak dripping with melted Swiss qheese in a bed of grilled onions and sautéed mushrooms on a French baguette.

了解如何激活酵母在这面包烘焙食谱和烘焙技巧视频的传统法国面包配方。Learn how to activate the yeast to make a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.

了解如何把面粉和盐在这方面与面包烘焙食谱和烘焙技巧视频作传统的法国面包配方。Learn how to mix the flour and salt to make a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.