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太平洋的太阳能则为6.92千瓦时。The patch in the Pacific got 6.92 kilowatt hours.

不过,基于每千瓦成本对这些可选方案进行比较具有迷惑性。But comparing alternatives on a cost per kilowatt basis is deceptive.

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电力生产增加了一倍多,达到6.21亿千瓦小时。Electrical production more than doubled to 621 million kilowatt hours.

我们最近就在越南落实了18万千瓦的风电项目。Just recently, we implemented a 180.000 kilowatt project of wind-power generation.

最后介绍了利用所研制的千瓦级大功率光纤激光器进行扫雷的试验。At last, The trial of mine sweeping by using kilowatt class fiber laser was presented.

位于华盛顿州西部的萨特索普核电站从来没有发过1瓦电。The Satsop nuclear plant in western Washington State never generated a kilowatt of electricity.

每一千瓦的电在不同地区的数目是不一样的,所以,必须保证事先和你当地的部门谈好具体细节。The amount per kilowatt varies by state, so be sure to talk to your local utility about the details.

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协议规定,国家需对茂伊岛及考爱岛的太阳能支付费用为每千瓦特小时38分。Under the agreements, the state is paying 38 cents a kilowatt hour on Maui and Kaua'i for solar power.

但是健康饮食和电费单不同,这不仅仅是像减少千瓦时用电一样食用更少的盐或糖那么简单。it's not as simple as using less salt or sugar as though you were cutting down on your kilowatt hours.

相比较而言,电网从煤电厂以0.04-0.05美元/度的价格买电。By comparison, the grid buys electricity from coal-fired power plants for 4 to 5 cents a kilowatt hour.

最棒的地面站风能密度约为一公里/平方米扫风面积。The best ground-based sites have a wind-power density of about a kilowatt per square meter of area swept.

仅仅一座摩根顿电厂就能每天生产二千五百万千瓦小时的电。And Morgantown alone can produce over 25 million kilowatt hours of electricity in a single day's operation.

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该计划为参加者提供太阳能电力的55至65美分每千瓦小时的设置率。The program offers participants a set rate of between 55 and 65 cents a kilowatt hour for solar electricity.

这种速度突增的动力来自一组电池,该电池组储有42千瓦小时的电能。The power for these bursts of speed comes from a battery packet with a storage capacity of 42 kilowatt hours.

中电联预测,今年全年用电量将在4.7万亿千瓦时左右。In the whole year, forecast report couplet additionally in 4.7 trillion kilowatt hour or so electricity use will.

尽管和化石燃料相比它们还很不具备竞争优势,但基于每千瓦的成本计算,它们已比核能更占上风。While they remain highly uncompetitive to fossil fuels, they have overtaken nuclear on a cost per kilowatt basis.

而现在,风能只产能每小时0.05-0.07千瓦电力,那么,许多以碳为基础的能源就能与之竞争。And it's now down in the 7 to 5 cents a kilowatt an hour which was competitive with a lot of carbon-based resources.

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因为他们每发一千万电就要亏钱,因此已经开始采取手段减少这种损失。Because power companies are losing money generating each kilowatt of electricity, they have acted to minimize losses.

配备这种科技的油电混合车每年消耗的电量将可较传统油电混合车减少约九百六十度。A hybrid car equipped with such technology would consume about 960 kilowatt hours less per year than a conventional hybrid.

而排放硫、汞和煤灰的煤炭,其每千瓦时产能所造成的死亡人数仍将远远高于核能。Coal, with its emissions of sulphur, mercury and soot, will continue to kill far more people per kilowatt hour than nuclear does.