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约翰很贪玩。John is very playful.

特别是那两张脸,很俏皮!Especially the faces, so playful.

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好玩的数学是一些人所谓的“纯数学。”Playful math is what some call "pure math."

我们挑了只毛茸球似的爱玩的小灰猫。We picked a little, gray, playful ball of Fur.

我们选了一只毛绒球一样贪玩的小灰猫。We picked a little, gray, playful ball of fur.

寓教于乐?不,我更喜欢好玩的学习。Edutainment? No Thanks. I Prefer Playful Learning.

级别较高的富娄是一位专注且顽皮的妈妈。High-ranking Flo was an attentive, playful mother.

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游戏过程当中始终伴有各种好玩的音乐和音效。Playful music and sound effects accompany each game.

“尽情玩乐”意思是做一个与朋友尽情玩耍的人。“To connect playfully” means to be a playful person.

继续下去并且可以咯咯地笑——甚至密宗的性爱也可以有点淘气。Go ahead and giggle — even Tantric sex can be playful.

有时会上下跳跃,活像一个俏皮的孩儿。Sometimes at the next jump, looks like a playful baby.

他们勇敢而沉着,更显出曲线优美和顽皮。They become braver and calmer, more fluid and playful.

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在当前这个年龄段,它们都是非常爱玩和好奇的动物。They're very playful and curious animals at this age.'

我选择了从最快乐的好玩的数学开始。I've chosen to start, most joyfully, with playful math.

你有时可以很调皮,会小鸡啄米式的亲吻对方。You can be playful and like to give sweet little pecks.

顽皮的紫色鹦鹉啄粉红色鹦鹉的羽毛。The playful purple parrot pecked the pink parrot's plume.

从前的混世魔王变得越来越沉默。The once playful boy then turned more and more speechless.

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又是一种独特,风趣的有着圆形的字符的字体。Yet another distinctive, playful font with rounded glyphs.

巴诺布猿以其顽皮和友好而著称。Bonobos on the other hand are famously playful and friendly.

比如一些色彩缤纷或者有趣动物图案的款式。Experiment with something colorful or a playful animal print.