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我将买辆自行车。I’ll get a bike.

来次自行车旅行?Take a bike trip?

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那是你的自行车吗?Is that your bike?

埃米有辆自行车。Amy has got a bike.

道路内脚踏车车道?。On-street Bike Lane?

什么在这辆自行车上?What is on the bike?

道路外脚踏车车道?。Off-street Bike Lane?

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从你的自行车开始。Start with your bike.

我想要一辆自行车来骑。I want a bike to ride.

我喜欢骑我的自行车。I like to ride my bike.

我经常骑着自行车。I usually ride my bike.

一个篮子在这个自行车上。A basket is on the bike?

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我的脚踏车需要补缀。My bike needs repairing.

一家三口共骑一辆车。A whole family on a bike.

我愿意骑自行车旅行。I tike traveling by bike.

今天我要好好骑骑自行车。Today's my big bike ride.

王乐新买了一辆自行车。Wangle bought a new bike.

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他把他那辆新自行车撞坏了。He's pranged his new bike.

那自行车是我赊购的。I buy that bike on credit.

这部单车需要调整。This Bike needs a tune-up.