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改变你的模式。Change your pattern.

协议和模式。Protocol and pattern.

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我们来做句型练习。Let's do pattern drills.

这就是“模式识别”。It's pattern recognition.

黄粉螺合成图案。Yellow butterfly pattern.

该模式是重新创建的。The pattern was recreated.

我找到了一套很棒的纸型。I've found a great pattern.

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多加练习这个句型。Practice the "who" pattern.

有什么规律吗So what's the pattern here?

现在让我们做句型练习。Now let's do pattern drills.

看看这是否是一个模式。Examine if this is a pattern.

咱们做些句型练习吧。Let's do some pattern drills.

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让我们来做句型练习。Let us do some pattern drills.

老底子新花样。Rotten Cloth with New Pattern.

每个模式有一个参数。Each pattern has one parameter.

Hotez看到了一种新兴模式。Hotez sees an emerging pattern.

我们希望这种情况能继续。We hope this pattern continues.

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免费浅滩婴儿阿富汗模式。Free riffle baby afghan pattern.

这块布有格子花的图形。The cloth has a chequer pattern.

阳光送进金色的图案。and sunrays shed golden pattern.