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我是混乱的代言人。I am an agent of chaos.

那笔生意将由谁来代理?Who will agent the deal?

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虚拟终端代理商?。VTA? Virtual Terminal Agent?

把我的经纪人接到电话上!Get me my agent on the phone!

包含一个脱模剂。Contains a mold release agent.

不用,我的旅行代理会做的。No, my travel agent does that.

这位是特别密探强森。This is Special Agent Johnson.

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请问附近有没旅游社?Is there a travel agent nearby?

新的用户代理开始运行。A new user agent begins running.

史戴琳探员就是那只深沉的鹞鸽。Agent Starling is a deep roller.

脱叶磷是一种棉花脱叶剂。Tribufos is a defoliating agent.

与房地产仲介商谈。Talking to the real-estate agent.

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剧本被寄到杨紫琼经纪人的手中。The script was sent to her agent.

女士们,先生们,是弗林探长。Ladies and gentlemen, Agent Flynn.

吸水量大涂刷界面剂最佳工具。Suit to brush the interface agent.

她是受雇来诱惑他的。She is an agent paid to seduce him.

这就是螯合剂的作用原理。That's how a chelating agent works.

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半胱氨酸也是一种还原剂。L-cysteine is also a reducing agent.

酵母是面包的发酵剂。Yeast is the raising agent in bread.

蜂蜡起到乳化剂的作用。Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent.