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他的病情恶化了。His condition was soured.

车况必须良好。Must have good condition.

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真实情况泄露。True condition is divulged.

各工况状态显示。Condition of the state show.

一个很假设性的情况。So a hypothetical condition.

呈文幸存者状况。Report condition of survivor.

你担心她的状况。You worry about her condition.

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勿在干燥状态下使用。Do not use under dry condition.

他的病情急速恶化。His condition rapidly worsened.

这是个自身约束条件。It's a self-limiting condition.

他们谈好了条件。They talk about good condition.

出现文件终止条件。An end-of-file condition occurs.

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越易息怒的人,越伟大。The condition of being appeased.

你的马上骠了。Your horse is in good condition.

一种举国一致的文化。The condition of being unanimous.

王国成的病情日渐恶化。Guocheng's condition deteriorated.

人不用俱备任何的条件。They have no condition to satisfy.

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这是一种生理疾病。This is a physiological condition.

说明非动态的系统或状态。A non -dynamic system or condition.

他的身材状况良好。He is in a good physcial condition.