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他因提出学说而获奖。He wins the prize by propound the theory.

马丁自己也向她提出了问题,想衡量一下她对他的信心。Martin had a question of his own to propound to her.

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他喜欢提出问题而不喜欢提出解决问题的办法。He likes to propound problems but not the ways to solve them.

根据分析的结果,提出改进建议。According to the result that analyzed propound the improved proposal.

基于此,我们提出了创建金融安全区的构想和思路。Therefore, we propound the proposal for building up the financial safety area.

文章对其存在的问题进行了分析并提出相应对策及措施。And this paper will endeavor to propound some solutions after analyzing these problems.

兹报实盘以你星期五复到为准100000吨棉花每磅24便士亚历山德里船上交货价二月装船。Offer firm reply here Friday 100000 tons cotton 24 pences propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.

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兹报盘以我方确认为准100000吨棉花每24便士亚历山德里亚船上交货价二月装船。Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.

根据各部门的要求,进行培训需求分析,并提出适合的解决方案。Analyse demandsoftraining according to demands of each department, and propound fittest solution.

而且对于热释电晶体尺度的设计和工艺,提出了一些参考意见。Moreover for the design and the craft of the pyroelectric crystal, propound some referenced opinions.

在认识到反诉制度所蕴涵的深刻诉讼法理后,反诉制度得到了更加的重视和运用。Countercharge system is attached more importance to after its propound procedural meaning in theory is fully realized.

从社会建构主义的角度,详细解释了提高共同体学习的有效学习方式。Some salutary ways to improve networked learning community's capability has been propound from social constructivism angle.

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他要把所谓人生的事实故事颠倒起来,要说些似是而非的话,试试那孩子怎么对答。He liked to invert the so-called facts of life, to propound its paradoxes, and watch how the child's budding mind took them.

同样的,出了种种悖论的科学最终也会不再提问,并且止步静观而描绘诸种现象尚未改变的表象。Science likewise, having reached the end of its paradoxes, ceases to propound and stops to contemplate and sketch the ever virgin landscape of phenomena.

论文以实际应用项目为基础,提出了一套社会化管理信息系统的建设方案,并对其在技术上和应用中的特点进行了详细的分析。In this paper, we propound a solution based on application projects as well as detailed analysis about the characteristics of technologies and applications.

但是这件事是如此的有趣和古怪以致我愿意向你们提出这个难题,或许在我们中能获得一些合理的结论。Yet the facts were so interesting and so curious that I should like to propound it to you as a problem, and perhaps between us we may arrive at some logical conclusion.

然而,不管它的别的优点或者缺点是什么,我能告诉读者的就是,我在诗里无意提出一个谜,或者狡狯地传达什么教诲。Nevertheless, whatever its other merits or defects may be, I can assure my readers that it was not my intention to propound a riddle, or insidiously convey any erudite teaching.

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电子期刊较之印刷型期刊信息存储量大、传播快、检索功能强、直观效果好,应与印刷型期刊配套协调发展。Through compare the characteristic of electronic periodical and printing periodical, propound some proposal that electronic periodical and printing periodical can coordinate be developed.

随着我国改革开放的不断深入,我国国际贸易市场必将不断加大开放,对贸易专业人才的需求也必将不断上升。Along with the propound of reforming and opening-up in our country, international trade must be constantly increase opening-up, as a result the need of talent on trade specialty is enlarge.

概述了以因特网为代表的计算机网络的独特优点及其给传统期刊带来的巨大冲击,分析了网络时代期刊网络化的必然趋势,指出实现期刊网络化的途径。Periodical network has great effect on traditional periodicals. Necessary trend of periodicals network is analyzed in internet age. At last the authors propound methods of networking periodicals.