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文王排斥之心开始有些松动。The king's heart of exclusion softened somewhat.

碱性食谱谋划排除很多食物。Alkaline diets promote the exclusion of many foods.

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他专打高尔夫球,其他的运动一概不参加。He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.

直到1943年排华法案才被取消。The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed only in 1943.

专注自己的目标,把所有其他外来影响排除在外!Focus on your goal to the exclusion of everything else!

有多少人听说过,就是Pauli不相容原理的Pauli?Pauli How about Pauli, like the Pauli exclusion principle?

封育措施是一种主要的草场恢复和重建的措施。Exclusion has been applied as a main measure for revegetation.

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特别是在转储和排除方面胜人一筹。Especially in the dump area and the exclusion of one-upmanship.

果彼,剔除那些数据非完齐无必要的。Therefore, the exclusion of these data is absolutely necessary.

收费公路的出现就表明了在公路领域实现区分是可能的。A toll highway shows that exclusion is possible on the highways.

互相排斥,展开克隆战斗。Together for mutual exclusion cloning people, unfolded to fight.

利用空照影像之色彩分析,将地上物区域之树木部分去除。Color analysis is then performed for the exclusion of tree areas.

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不相容原理是这个实验发现的表述。The exclusion principle is a statement of this empiric al finding.

排除标准之前,治疗炎症性关节炎。Exclusion criteria were prior treatment and inflammatory arthritis.

我是否感到反犹太人情绪和排斥犹太人的历史与我有关?Do I identify with the legacy of anti-Jewish sentiment and exclusion?

一个是泡利不相容原理,我们在周三讨论过它。One is the Pauli exclusion principal, we discussed this on Wednesday.

资源性排斥,实质是教育机会的不均等。Resources of exclusion lead to inequality of opportunity in education.

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首先,普遍排除令是催化剂。Firstly, we should think that the general exclusion order was an activator.

你认为禁制令在甚麽程度上能有效减少澳门的病态赌博个案?。How effective are EXCLUSION PACKAGES in reducing problem gambling in Macau?

有趣的是,加拿大在同一时期也实行了类似的排华法案。Interestingly, Canada had a similar Chinese Exclusion Act at the same time.