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巴勒斯坦议员巴尔古提当时也在冲突现场。Palestinian parliamentarian Moustafa Barghouti was there.

“我看到某种类似利比亚的情形正在显现”,一位前国会议员如此说道。"I see a Libya-style situation unfolding," says a former parliamentarian.

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法院对一家异议报纸因为抨击国会苛以重罚。And a court slapped a big fine on an opposition newspaper for slandering a parliamentarian.

贝卢斯科尼还受到了意大利唯一一名黑人议员吉恩-伦纳德-多瓦迪的批评,这名议员具有刚果血统。Berlusconi was also criticised by Italy's only black parliamentarian Jean Leonard Touadi, who is of Congolese origin.

国会议员梅布尔·雷贝罗是位新成员,但她不相信这次和以往有何不同。Parliamentarian Mabel Rebello, one of the new members, is not convinced that this time will be all that much different.

可是现在他的证词受到质疑,一位英国议员说,警方应该对他的证词进行调查。But now his testimony has been challenged and a British parliamentarian says it’s a matter for the police to investigate.

然而,值得注意的是共和党曾开除过前任参议院立法人员,因为他们认为他的裁决不如人意。It must be noted, however, that Republicans fired the previous Senate parliamentarian when they found his rulings inconvenient.

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奥利弗·克伦威尔和议会军在'5年9月3日在此地取得了对于查理二世和苏格兰军队的最后胜利。Oliver Cromwell and the Parliamentarian army gained their final victory over Charles II and the Scottish army here on September 3, '5. Population, 73,900.

乌克兰总理季莫申科的能源顾问、议员古德马说,乌克兰已经作好充分准备为其使用的天然气付费。The energy advisor for Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, parliamentarian Oleksiy Hudyma, says his country is fully prepared to pay for the gas it consumes.

还提到了莫斯利潜在候选人的工作已在本周的美国尼克嗉囊,国际汽联运动主席,1981年世界拉力赛冠军出身的欧洲议会议员阿里瓦塔宁。Also mentioned as potential candidates for Mosley's job this week have been American Nick Craw, the FIA sporting president, and 1981 world rally champion-turned European parliamentarian Ari Vatanen.