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伊朗否认这些指控。Iran denies the charge.

伊朗非一个民主主义国野。Iran is a democratic country.

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然而伊朗还没有逃脱惩罚。Iran hasn't wriggled free yet.

伊朗没有必要用核武器攻击以色列。Iran has no need to nuke Israel.

对抗伊朗的俾路支极端分子。Counter Baloch extremism in Iran.

布什先生的第一个回转在伊朗。Mr Bush's first U-turn was on Iran.

伊朗就是这种兴衰更替很好的例子。A good example of the shift is Iran.

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你能否许诺石刑在伊朗合法?Do you permit stoning lugly in Iran?

这些势力中首当的是伊朗。Foremost among these forces is Iran.

你是否允许石刑在伊朗合法?Do you permit stoning lawful in Iran?

伊朗公开绞死毒贩。Iran hangs drug trafficker in public.

另外,伊朗4-1战胜土库曼斯坦Elsewhere, Iran beat Turkmenistan 4-1.

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伊朗必须停止支持恐怖。Iran must stop its support for terror.

伊斯帕罕伊朗中部一城市,在续墨兰以南。A city of central Iran south of Tehran.

伊朗是这一公约的签署国。Iran is a signatory to this convention.

至于布什尔,伊朗可以说是放长线钓大鱼。As over Bushehr, Iran plays a long game.

家家户户逃往伊朗或者山区。Families fled for Iran or for the hills.

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萨洛克是位于伊朗阿拉克北部的一个小村庄。Sarouk is a village north of Arak, Iran.

你先前知道我来自于伊朗王国。You previously know that I am from Iran.

伊朗拘留英国大使馆工作人员。Iran detains local British embassy staff.