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他已流亡出去了。He has exiled himself.

他被放逐到一个很远的地方。He was exiled to a distant land.

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她被流放到国外。She was exiled from her country.

拉里被放逐到一个很远的地方。Larry was exiled to a distant land.

杰克因政治原因遭到流放。Jack was exiled for political reasons.

当年舜放逐了鲧却重用了鲧的儿子禹。Shun exiled Gun but promoted his son Yu.

那一曲离别,终是被流亡旳岁月谱写。It is a farewell, eventually exiled time compose.

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但丁的坟墓从他的出生地弗伦罗萨迁到这里。The tomb of Dante, exiled from his native Florence.

后因弹劾宦官,被流放朔方。Eunuchs for impeachment after being exiled Shuofang.

因此,地球上最强大的英雄们迫使怪物流亡到太空。So Earth's mightiest heroes exiled him into outerspace.

鲁德尼茨基将军是众多被放逐的波兰人精神上的引路人。General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles.

当鲁昭公被逐出鲁国,孔子就跟随他到了齐国。When Chao was exiled from Lu Confucius followed him to Ch'i.

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"有比没有好"的观念使许多流亡政治人士愤怒。This “better than nothing” line has many exiled activists fuming.

登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home.

周公镇压了叛乱,蔡叔被流放。The Duke of Zhou suppressed the rebellion, and Cai Shu was exiled.

秘耳焊工具有所有被它放逐之牌的所有起动式异能。Myr Welder has all activated abilities of all cards exiled with it.

她犹豫了一下,没有提迭戈在这儿流亡的事。She was hesitant to mention the part about Diego being exiled here.

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米哈伊尔的回报就是流放了约翰,将邹伊关进修道院。Michael responded by having John exiled and Zoe sent to a monastery.

身多疾病思田里,邑有流亡愧俸钱。More diseases are thought fields, ap pension money has exiled shame.

这种说法等于是抛弃了十字架,抛弃了基督教的核心部分。I think it's exiled the cross which is at the center of Christianity.