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悲伤的穿山甲为什么总是觅不到脱山乙。Sad pangolin why always find wear mountain b.

坦桑尼亚塞卢斯野生动物保护区里,一头狮子在吞食一只穿山甲。A lion attacks a pangolin in the Selous Game Reserve in in Tanzania.

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当薄暮涌入山区,一只穿山甲从地洞钻了出来。As dusk descends on the mountains, a pangolin emerges from its burrow.

穿山甲浑身的鳞片就是它的刺,与指甲相类似。The pangolin whole body's lamella is its thorn, is similar with the nail.

当缩成球状睡觉时,穿山甲将其鳞皮作为防身之物。The Pangolin uses its scales as protection when it roles into a ball to sleep.

目的防止掺假炮山甲进入临床使用。OBJECTIVE To prevent adulterated Pangolin scales to be used in clinic treatments.

非洲树穿山甲的皮肤和毛发是白色的,没有外部耳朵和鳞状尾巴。African tree pangolin has white skin and hair, lacking external ear and scaly tail.

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中国媒体报道,超过三吨穿山甲鳞片在上海口岸查获。Chinese media reported more than three tons of pangolin scales were seized at a Shanghai port.

最后狮子放弃了打算溜达着找别的东西去了,于是穿山甲逃过一劫。In the end the lions gave up and wandered off in search of something else and the pangolin escaped.

目的研究搀硫酸镁穿山甲洗涤后是否能作穿山甲入药。Objective To research whether pangolin adulterated with magnesium sulfate can goods after lavation.

其中一个更奇怪的动物就是中国鲮鲤,同时也称为穿山甲。The pangolin is called chuanshanjia or lingli in Chinese, it is a kind of national protected animal.

好奇的狮子把穿山甲像足球似的传来传去,研究了好几个小时想要吃掉这全身铠甲的动物。Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour the armour-plated creature.

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一只穿山甲不小心打穿了山洞,两个妖精逃了出来,从此百姓遭难。A pangolin was not careful has punctured the cave, two spirits ran away, henceforth the common people suffered disaster.

目的熟悉掺硫酸镁穿山甲的掺假方法与制备过程。ObjectiveTo recognize the method of adulterating and preparation process of Pangolin adulterated with sulphate magnesium.

由于亚洲和东南亚不禁对穿山甲的鳞甲有需求,同时还吃穿山甲的肌肉,这就催生了非法捕杀穿山甲市场的蓬勃兴起。Demand not justfor scales but also for pangolin meat in East and Southeast Asia has produced a thriving illegal pangolin market.

就在这些走私贩准备着将大约8吨穿山甲卸到另一艘离开珠海高栏岛的船上时,他们当场被中国海关人赃并获。The smugglers were intercepted as they prepared to offload the nearly eight tonnes of pangolin to another vessel off Gaolan island.

炖龟可治疗癌症,鳄鱼肉能缓解哮喘,穿山甲皮可调节月经,蝎毒汁能辅助治疗中风。Stewed turtle cures cancer, crocodile meat relieves asthma, pangolin scales regulate menstruation and scorpion venom helps stroke victims.

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我公司为广大用户提供各种旋挖配件,包括各种斗齿、截齿、齿座、中心尖、提引器等。Pangolin provide customers with a variety of rotary drilling accessories, including bucket teeth, tooth Block, the center point, to mention inducer.

2002年8月8日。马来西亚吉隆坡,一只马来亚穿山甲在被自然野生动物园相关部门没收后被释放出笼子。Malayan pangolin is released from its cage after being confiscated by the Department of Wildlife and Natural Parks in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Aug. 8, 2002.

卫报记者发现,在广州市外的鸿华温泉旅游度假区,有两家食品批发部门公然违法,销售穿山甲及其他受保护动物。The Guardian found two food outlets in the Honghua hot spring resort outside Guangzhou openly breaking the law by serving pangolin and other protected animals.