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这样的假设完全是被误导的。Any such presumption is totally misguided.

中国未能成功反驳该假定。China did not succeed in rebutting that presumption.

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自以为是的人,犹如蒙眼跑步。Presumption first blinds a man, then sets him a running.

这对我们要读到的诗人有种冒犯的意味。This is a presumption of all the poets we'll be reading.

强加给我们的有罪假设扩展到了其他人身上。The presumption of guilt imposed on us was extended to others.

推定是证据法中的一项重要制度。Presumption is an important institution of the law of evidence.

同样的无罪推定适用于版权和隐私领域。The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy.

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这一假设可以经由明确和有说服力的证据驳回。This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence.

想多要,甚至想多了解,在我来说都是非分之想。Wanting more, even wanting to know more, was presumption on my part.

你认为我会和你同住壹套公寓,那就错了。Your presumption that I would want to share a flat with you is false.

驳斥无罪推定是诉诸无知的观点。Refutes the presumption of innocence resorts to the ignorant viewpoint.

由于他的嘴发粘,可以假定,他刚把这个蛋糕吃了。As his mouth was sticky, the presumption was that he had eaten the cake.

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请不要谴责我的放肆,如果我屈服于这爱的冲动。Please do not accuse me of presumption if I yield to this impulse of love.

然而,二连贯年不使用提高放弃的推测。However, two consecutive years of non-use raise a presumption of abandonment.

被有些人称作猜想或是盲信的,我称之为坚定的信念。What some people call presumption or fanaticism , I call solidity of purpose.

推定是现代诉讼中的一种重要证明方式,应该规则化。Presumption is an important proof in modern action, so it should be regulated.

她恼火他的傲慢自满和自以为是。She was indignantwithhis presumption self- satisfaction andconsciousrectitude.

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我认为这些诗人及其作品是值得,我们去细细品味并进行深入的阅读研究。The presumption is that they all reward and demand a certain amount of close reading.

这让我们得出了正确的诊断,并在产后得到证实。This led us to presumption of the correct diagnosis, which was confirmed postnatally.

在精确重建的前提下,对低通原型滤波器系数进行了优化。Under the presumption of PR, the coefficients of the low-pass prototype are optimized.