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你怎么把琴演奏出最美妙的音乐?How did you get the best sound out of your vina?

七弦琴的断弦不再弹唱你的荣耀。The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise.

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七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise.

然而,在四分之一决赛,巴西太强大了,在比尼亚德尔马,他们3-1战胜了英格兰。Brazil were too strong in the quarter-finals, however, as they recorded a 3-1 victory in Vina del Mar.

本次旅行将以中左政党领导人在智利海边度假胜地维纳德马的聚会而告终。The journey culminates with a gathering of centre-left leaders at Vina del Mar, a Chilean beach resort.

始建于1976年的埃德华兹酒园无疑已成为智利发展最快的生产商之一。Established in 1976, Viña Luis Felipe Edwards is undeniably one of the most progressive wineries in Chile.

年,伊拉苏先生在我们的阿空加瓜山谷流域葡萄园生产的智利拉宫博设拉子是最好的设拉子。In 1993, Viña Errázuriz introduced Shiraz in Chile. La Cumbre is the best Shiraz from our vineyards in the Aconcagua Valley.

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一个在比尼亚德尔马酒店的墙壁后,被视为一个巨大的8.8级地震,震撼于2010年2月27日智利销毁。The walls of a hotel in Vina del Mar are seen destroyed after a huge 8.8-magnitude earthquake rocked Chile on February 27, 2010.

珍藏系列是伊拉苏先生自1870年以来一直生产精品酒的阿空加瓜山谷流域地区中最精良的压榨。Max Reserva is the finest expression of the Aconcagua Valley terroir where Viña Errázuriz has been producing fine wines since 1870.

破庙里的神呵!七弦琴的断线不再弹唱赞美你的诗歌。晚钟也不再宣告礼拜你的时间。Deity of the ruined temple! The broken strings of Vina sing no more your praise. The bells in the evening proclaim not your time of worship.

我们真心实意希望知道别人在想什么。We genuinely want to know what others think,” Biden told leaders gathered in Vina del Mar, Chile, for the March 28 Progressive Governance Conference.

卡萨伯斯克在智利众多家族葡萄庄园中享有很高的名望,其生产的优质赤霞珠葡萄和酿制的优质赤霞珠葡萄酒,获得高度认可。Vina Casas del Bosque is one of the most prestigious family owned wineries in Chile, recognized for the quality of its wines and for producing great Cabernet Sauvignon.

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本葡萄酒是塔拉巴嘎酒厂储存在有一定年份的法国和美国橡木桶内,具有热情的红宝石颜色,入口绵软顺滑,丹宁丰满饱和,口味甜蜜微辣,令人回味无穷。Vina Tarapaca Gran Reserva Carmenere aged in French and American oak, has an intense ruby color and in mouth is juicy, round and soft with ripe tannins with spicy notes.

这款来自卡萨伯斯克家族的格朗-卡萨伯斯克赤霞珠干红,融合了阳光、土壤和庄园的优势,是高品质葡萄酒的保证。Claimed as a trinity of the sun, soil and vine, this Cabernet Sauvignon "Gran Bosque" from Vina Casas del Bosque became a serious promise to the production of high quality wine.

飓风酒庄拥有大规模的葡萄园和酿制酒厂以及智利最先进的灌装设备。One look at Vina Reguingua spacious vineyards, large-capacity winery and state -of-the-art bottling facilities, makes any customer confident in our ability to produce quality wines.

卡萨伯斯克在智利众多家族葡萄庄园中享有很高的名望,他在凉爽山谷中种植的一种非常特别的卡门纳葡萄,获得高品质的认可。Vina Casas del Bosque is one of the most prestigious family owned wineries in Chile, recognized for the quality of its wines and for producing a very special Carménère from a cool climate valley.