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这件木器已涂完最后一道漆。This woodwork has had its final coat of paint.

窗户的木框在烂下去。The woodwork of the window frames is perishing.

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还有我们祖母时代的板壁。不过应当看看的是我的房间。And the woodwork was of the era of our grandmothers.

蜘蛛似乎侵占了屋内木建部分的每个角落。Spiders seem to get into every comer of the woodwork.

木建部份最近新刷了一层漆。The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint.

木器油漆当然是用亮的,用亚光就差了。Woodwork paint of course, is bright, with matt backward in the.

顺吉木业以真诚服务,满足用户的需要。Shunji Woodwork Co, Itd will try its best to service for customers.

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我们把新船的木工活承包给了当地的一个木匠。We contracted with a local carpenter for the woodwork in our new boat.

大约每个月都有一个新的竞争对手加入这个行当。A new competitor seemed to emerge out of the woodwork every month or so.

木工工作差不多完工了,他开始给书架油漆上光。The woodwork was almost finished, and he had begun to varnish and polish.

利物浦在较早时候分别由约翰·阿恩·里瑟和莫莫·西索科两次击中门柱。Liverpool had earlier twice hit the woodwork through John Arne Riise and Momo Sissoko.

锋线搭档舍甫琴科也有机会,但他的射门打在门柱上。Strike-partner Andriy Shevchenko also went close, slamming an effort against the woodwork.

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油灰面状的胶泥,由白垩粉和亚麻油混合而成,用于填补木制口上的小洞和固定窗。Made by mixing whiting and linseed oil, used to fill holes in woodwork and secure panes of '.

不然,如果有一天有人突然跳出来说,“他们是从我这里剽窃的”,大部分投资者都会被吓退。If someone comes out of the woodwork and says, "They stole that from me, " most investors will be scared off.

要么彼此恶意竞争,和男生争锋,要么像老鼠一样躲在柜子里。They competed viciously among themselves and with their opposites, or they faded into the woodwork like mice.

奥洛夫。梅尔贝里非常遗憾门柱阻止了他在尤文图斯取得欧冠进球。Olof Mellberg is annoyed that the woodwork prevented him from grabbing a rare goal for Juventus in the Champions League.

我估计政治上比较安全的做法可能是将这个事件抛在脑后而继续前进,希望这个事件会从此凭空消失。I suppose the politically safe thing would be to move on from this episode and just hope that it fades into the woodwork.

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被染黑的西伯利亚落叶松悄无声息地坐落在树丛中,白色的室内木构与之形成对比。The black stained Siberian larch sits inconspicuously in the trees and contrasts with the white-washed internal woodwork.

经历过四海的风暴和宁静,他的木板像老水手的皮肤一样的变为黝黑了。Long weather-stained in the storms and calms of all four oceans, his woodwork was darkened like the skin of an old sailor.

通过验证试验确认了田口法在木制品数控加工中应用的有效性。The application of Taguchi method in woodwork numerical control processing has been validated by using a confirmation experiment.