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通过试验,找出壳法制芯脱壳的原因。The causes of shell hulling have been found through experiment.

该设备主要用于燕麦脱壳,供燕麦加工厂工艺流程中配套使用。The machine is mainly used for oat hulling in the oat processing factory.

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本机主要用于稻谷脱壳和谷壳分离,出机糙米基本符合米机对净糙的要求。This machine is mainly used in hulling the paddy and separating rice and hulls.

用于稻谷脱壳并把稻壳、瘪谷从谷糙混合物中分离出去。It is used for hulling riceseparating rice hullshriveled rice from riceunpolished rice mixture.

本机适用于小米的脱壳阶段,供碾米厂工艺流程中配套使用。The machine is suitable for millet hulling section used with other equipments in milling factories.

选用大辊径胶辊,提高了脱壳率降低了破碎率。The adoption of the large diameter rubber roll has raised the hulling ratio and reduced the breakage ratio.

用于稻谷脱壳并把稻壳、瘪谷从谷糙混合物中分离出去。It is used for hulling rice and separating rice hull and shriveled rice from rice and unpolished rice mixture.

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本厂生产BY型圆盘式剥壳机,使用范围广,通常用于棉籽的剥壳。Our BY disc-type hulling machine features extensive applications and is mainly used for hulling of cottonseeds.

所见的农机具包括耕耙机具、收割与脱粒机具、灌溉机具、食品加工机具等。The agricultural machines they saw were for plowing, for harvesting, for irrigating, for hulling and for food processing.

大米是稻谷经清理、砻谷、碾米、成品整理等工序后制成的成品。Rice is rice hulling by cleaning, and milling, finished product is made after finishing process such as the finished products.

同时依据两次撞击脱壳方法设计制造了油菜籽脱壳装置,并介绍了其结构和工作原理。Hulling equipment was made according to the two-time striking principle, and the structure and principle of the equipment were introduced.

这个时候的咖啡最有可能还在羊皮纸里,在运往发运港口之前需要经过去壳和分级工作。At this point, the coffee is most likely still in parchment and will need to go through hulling and grading before it is ready for movement to the port of departure.

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因为虽然这些种类的鸟是由同一种原始的、刚迁到新环境中的鸟繁衍而来的,但它们不再具有其喙短而细的特点,这种特点有利于剥开小的种子外壳。For while the species are descendants of an original pioneering finch, they no longer bear its characteristic short, slender beak, which is excellent for hulling tiny seeds.

通过实验证实,玉米的抗粉碎硬度指数可作为反映玉米最佳去皮脱胚效果所需着水量的一个指标。The experiment results showed that the maize anti-grinded hardness index could be used as an needed damping quantity index to get the best technological effects in maize hulling and degerming.