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移栽采用蛭石作为苗床基质。Vermiculite is the best plantlet substrate.

蛭石在短期内就会分解。Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time.

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蛭石矿物是我国的优势非金属矿种。Vermiculite is a dominated industrial commodity in China.

蛭石是一种能够保存空气、水分和营养的物质。Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients.

如果溅出,要用蛭石吸收并按有机废弃物处理。If spilled soak up with vermiculite and dispose of as organic waste.

粉末,纤维,珍珠岩,膨胀的蛭石。Water repellent for powers, fibres, perlite and expanded vermiculite.

我试图填补蛭石油管前弯曲但它没有对我的工作。I tried filling tubing with vermiculite before bending but it didn't work for me.

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为拓展蛭石矿物的应用提供了较详尽的资料。This has provided detailed information for extending the application of vermiculite.

在花盆的土壤表面撒下数颗种子,并覆盖一层薄薄的蛭石。Drop several seeds over the surface of the pot and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite.

利用红外光谱研究了蛭石矿物材料层间水的赋存状态。The existing status of interlayer water in vermiculite was investigated with infrared spectrum.

类似的产品被称为“石”它添加到盆栽土壤,因为它保持水分。A similar product is called "vermiculite" it's added to potting soil because it retains moisture.

通过FTIR、XRD、AFM等测试分析表征了改性蛭石和所制备的复合材料的结构。The structures of the organized vermiculite and composites were investigated by FTIR, XRD and AFM respectively.

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生根幼植株在落叶松腐殖土加河沙和落叶松腐殖土加蛭石两种基质上移栽效果较好。The seedlings which transplanted to the media of larch humus separately mixed sand or vermiculite could all live well.

蛭石片对其增强的摩擦材料的高温状态下的摩擦与磨损有较好的稳定作用。Flake vermiculite has some good effects on the friction and wear properties of friction composites at high temperatures.

蛭石是一种可以保持空气、水分和营养成分的物质。Vermiculite is a material that can hold air, water and nutrients. Then cover the top of the pot with a see-through plastic bag.

蛭石是另一种常用的材料,在一些烤炉,虽然出现了一些与健康有关的问题,其使用。Vermiculite is another commonly used material in some ovens, though there have been some health related issues concerning its use.

矿石的主要矿物包括高岭石、埃洛石、水云母、石英和少量蛭石。Kaolin formed by weathering of quartz-porphyry consists of kaolinite, halloysite, hydromica, quartz and small amount of vermiculite.

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其主要成份以伊利石为主,有少量的高岭石、微量蛭石、蒙脱石等。The principal ingredient of the swelling soil is glimmertion, with a small quantity of kaolinite, minim vermiculite and montmorillonite.

信德瑞在壤土、砂土和蛭石中的渗透、保水效果不如在草炭土中明显。However, the effect of its permeability and water-maintaining in loam soil, sandy loam and vermiculite was not so obvious as in soddy soil.

用膨胀蛭石制成的各类建筑材料不仅耐燃、隔热、隔音,而且生产工艺简单,成本低廉。All building materials made from expanded vermiculite is burn-resisting, heat insulation, sound proof. It is also process simple with low cost.