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泪水沿我的脸颊籁籁而下。Tears coursed down my face.

他们在树林中打猎。They coursed in the forest.

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喷气机每天飞经那个地区。Jets coursed the area daily.

眼泪沿著她的面颊流下来。Tears coursed down her cheeks.

这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。The deer coursed the open field.

眼泪从她脸上迅速流下来。The tears coursed down her cheeks.

骑兵追赶逃跑的败兵。The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops.

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小船沿着河的西岸前进。The boats coursed along the west bank of the river.

有大量的增殖性巨大微血管横列在这些组织之间。A large number of proliferating macrocapillaries coursed among them.

幸亏它遇到了爱德华,把它引向了更高的地方,终于它一飞冲天。It has run into Edward luckily, coursed a higher place it, it soars finally.

本文利用流体模型及当地场近似,对其放电过程进行了理论计算。In this paper a computer simulation of its initial discharge coursed is presented.

自招危险是指由避险行为人基于故意或者过失而招致的危险。Danger made by somebody namely is that the danger is coursed by his intention or negligence.

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任务不明确,任务量过大等因素成为引起使用者不满的主要因素。Vaguer instruction and big quantity of tasks were the main factors coursed their discontent.

在它坏掉之前不久,它还发现了液体水的极好证据――液体水近期曾在火星上流动。Shortly before it failed, it also found stunning evidence that liquid water recently coursed through Mars.

有的设计尝试了透明表皮的概念,可以看见毒液在皮下流动。Some designs explored the notion of transparent skin showcasing the poisonous venom that coursed underneath.

然而,令我决心把T恤送回外展的,是我当年的分组导师。The fire was lighted up by my instructor, his suggestion coursed me decided to send the T-shirt back to OBS.

爱这个主题——不论是给予与还是不给予——以及对决意乃至宽恕的渴求,贯穿梦境。Themes of love, given or withheld, coursed through the dreams, as did the need for resolution and even forgiveness.

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我们与这蓝绿色的大家伙保持相同的步调,紧跟在它的尾鳍旁边。它从水下游到船的右舷。We paced the great turquoise shape, keeping abreast of the flukes as the whale coursed along underwater to starboard.

雨水冲刷着奴隶住所的木房顶,急促的水流声掩盖住了他们时断时续谈话的声音。Water coursed along the wood roofs of the slave quarters, drowning their staccato voices with streaming, rushing noise.

小郡主闭着的双眼中流出眼泪,两行珠泪从腮边滚了下来。The Little Countess had shut her eyes again, but two fat tears escaped from under their lids and coursed down her cheeks.