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这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso attaches to the legacy.

这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。One proviso is attached to this legacy.

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西方的援助如果真的是出于人道,为什么要附带条件?If aid is out of humanity, why should it be given with proviso ?

任何人都可以免费进行使用,但是附带说明卡耐基梅隆大学不提供学分。Anyone can use them free, with the proviso that Carnegie Mellon doesn’t offer credit.

前条第二项之规定,于本条第一项但书情形准用之。The provision in the second paragraph is applied to the proviso in the first paragraph.

主要规定的SAR系统涉及到它的使用在一个不稳定移动安全。The major proviso on the SAR system relates to its use in an erratically moving security.

一一依第一百四十七条但书规定之涂销登记。Registration of the cancellation according to the provision of the proviso of Article 147.

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惟一的要求是字节码修改应该是确定性的且可预测的。The only proviso is that the bytecode modifications should be deterministic and predictable.

电焊工在芝加哥和西北铁路公司码头厂房工作。A welder who works in the round-house at the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company's Proviso yard.

Delaney条款禁止批准任何可能导致人或动物癌症的食品添加剂。The Delaney proviso prohibits the approval of any food additive shown to induce cancer in humans or animals.

Delaney条款禁止批准任何可能导致人或动物癌症的色素添加剂。The Delaney proviso prohibits the approval of any color additive shown to induce cancer in humans or animals.

行政契约违反第一百三十五条但书或第一百三十八条之规定者,无效。An administrative contract shall be null and void if it is contrary to the proviso to article 135 or the provision of article 138 hereof.

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系统经营者依前项但书规定办理时,得向订户请求支付必要之器材费用。The system operator may request reimbursement for the equipment cost from the subscriber for compliance with the proviso of the preceding Paragraph.

租车比买车也复杂得多,所以一定要仔细阅读租约条款,保证读明白了你即将签字的那份租约上的每一条。Car leasing is also more complex than buying so always closely read -- and be sure you understand -- every proviso of the lease contract before you sign.

二货物自前款但书所列之事业、工厂或仓库进入中华民国境内之其他地区者。The goods are transported from the enterprises, factories and warehouses referred to in the proviso of the preceding paragraph to other areas of the R. O. C.

波尔克总统提出的「威尔莫特但书」替代方案是回归密苏里协议的作法,该协议在1820时同意密苏里维持奴隶制度、同时间建立的缅因州则废除奴隶制度。President Polk's alternative to the Wilmot Proviso was to fall back on the Missouri Compromise, an 1820 law that permitted Missouri to be admitted as a slave state with Maine as a free state.

可是,这项正在实施的禁捕令却给予成员国特许,可以科学研究为目的而捕杀鲸,而附加的条件是将鲸肉用于数据采集。However, this ongoing ban allows member nations to grant themselves special permits to kill whales for scientific research, with the proviso that the whale meat is utilised following data collection.