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怒江之战哪里有卖?Where war in Nujiang River has sell?

怒江之名意为愤怒的河流。The Nujiang is called The Angry River.

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石瓢温泉是怒江峡谷中最神奇的天然澡塘。The Shipiao Hot Spring is the most wondrous natural bath pool in Nujiang Gorge.

怒江州境内州府六库、泸水县、福贡县、贡山县。Within Nujiang Prefecture capital Liuku, Lushui County, Fugong County, Gongshan County.

在金沙江、澜沧江和怒江回归大海的途中,香格里拉是他们温馨的驿站。Shangri-la is just like a warm posthouse for the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang rivers on their way to the sea.

从国家能源战略的需求出发,也必须开发怒江水电资源。It is necessary to develop water electric resource in Nujiang river basin on the view of state energy strategy.

大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future.

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研究区选择在遭受泥石流危害严重的云南怒江流域。The study area is located in the Nujiang River Basin of Yunnan, where is seriously suffering from debris flow hazards.

据报道,沿怒江岸边的公路路况十分不好,随时都会有散落的碎石掉到公路上。It is reported that the traffic along Nujiang River is very bad, and there are always detrituses sliding onto the road.

怒江峡谷是我国最为贫困的地区之一,也是生态地质环境极为脆弱的地区。Nujiang River valley is one of the poorest areas in China and also the vulnerability of eco-geological environment areas.

景区跨越丽江地区、迪庆藏族自治州、怒江傈僳族自治州三个地州。Lijiang area by leaps and bounds, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in the three states.

怒江州资源富集而发展极其落后,是云南省扶贫攻坚的重点和难点区域。Although there are resource enrichment in Nujiang State, its development is quite slow-paced, and it is the stress and difficulty of Yunnan Aid-the-Poor Program.

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索曲流域位于南羌塘陆块东部,由发源于唐古拉山南坡的本曲、索曲、连曲和益曲等四条贯通性河流组成,是怒江上游面积最大的汇水区域。Made up of Benqu, Suoqu, Lianqu, and Yiqu, which originate from the south of Tanggula mountain, Suoqu drainage area is the largest catchments section in Nujiang.

根据监测资料,对保山境内怒江流域水质及底泥现状进行了评价,对水质变化趋势进行了定性分析。The water quality and sludge of Nujiang river in Baoshan region are assessed based on monitoring data. The change trend of the water quality is analyzed qualitatively.

为了落实科学发展观,服务和谐社会建设,提出了加快怒江水电开发的建议。In order to carry out scientific development concept, serve the harmonious society, the paper presents suggestion to accelerate the Nujiang River hydropower development.

在腾北,张问德通知韩绍臣远征军曾经在怒江左近整装待发了,他们都很冲动,对将来充溢自信心。In the north, zhang asked DE soar in HanShaoChen expeditionary force ever notice the nujiang nigh ready, and they are very impulse for future circumfuse self-confidence.

认为从地质环境条件看,怒江左岸建设小型水电工程是基本适宜的。From the viewpoint of geological environment, it is concluded that the construction of small scale hydropower station on the left bank of Nujiang river is feasible basically.

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金沙江、澜沧江和怒江是藏东地区著名的国际性大河,“三江”流域作为“江河源”、“生态源”的重要组成部分,它的生态环境变化对当地乃至周边地区都有着重大影响。The Three Rivers Drainage Basins, including Jinsha River, Lanchang River and Nujiang River in eastern Tibetan, are the main compositions of River Source and Ecological Source.

从本世纪初开始,围绕开发水能资源促进怒江流域地区经济社会发展等问题曾引发了一场大讨论。Since the beginning of current Century, there has been a great discussion about the issues of active role of hydropower development in the social-economic development in the Nujiang river basin.

位于怒江流域的西庄河是典型山地小流域,山地流域内常常是潜在的水资源十分丰富,但现实的水资源却严重缺乏,流域内许多村社都面临农业灌溉用水和人畜饮水紧缺的问题。Xizhuang watershed, located in Nujiang valley, is a typical mountain watershed. Although it is rich in potential water resource, water scarcity is still a problem for irrigation and domestic drink.