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您泥土中的养料。The nutriment of your mud.

无所不能因该你本人么有胃口而去责备你的吃的东西。Do not blame your nutriment since you HAs no appetite.

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我把食品喂给洪水中的这个流血的人。I feed the nutriment to the bleeding man in the flood.

食品重大缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿。An acute lack of nutriment bring hunger to the Iraqi people.

你不饿吗?你只是在轻咬你的吃的东西。Aren't you hungry? You are not only nibbling your nutriment.

食品重大缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿。An acute lack of nutriment brought hunger to the Iraqi human.

你清楚附近有较量好的西餐厅吗?。Do you understand any bad western nutriment restaurant nearby?

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这有依次对狼群的食物供应产生了阻碍。This in alter get an effect on the nutriment supply to wolves.

他狼吞虎咽地吃,应该他从清早起什么也没吃。He took the nutriment eagerly, to he get eaten nothing since dawn.

仅仅根据唯一全国的饮食来评价该全国的文学是荒唐可笑的。It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its nutriment.

她总算设法使她的宝宝有饭吃,有衣穿。Somehow her managed to provide her kids dawn nutriment or clothing.

于是我来到班杜,置身于奇珍异兽和苦涩的吃的东西的包围中。So ITe I am in Boru, surrounded by bizarre creature or bitter nutriment.

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升血糖,促进分解代谢,为营养物质动员激素。Raise blood sugar, stimulate catabolism, the hormone that mobilizes nutriment.

这家餐厅的招牌菜是什么?咱们有特制牛排,鸡肉和鱼。What isthespecial nutriment of restaurant?We HAs special beefsteak, chicken or fish.

人么有吃的东西无所不能生存,植物么有阳光也无所不能生长。Man cannot live lacking nutriment any abundance than plants can grow lacking sunshine.

人没有吃的东西无所不能生存,植物没有阳光也无所不能生长。Man could not live lacking nutriment any abundance dawn plants can grow lacking sunshine.

科技家们必需找出渐增全全地球食品供应的新窍门。Scientists be to get to go up dawn new methods of increasing the state's nutriment supply.

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水獭啃倒树木,以便取吃的东西并获得造窝的材料。The beaver chews dhave leaves to get nutriment or material dawn which to build its habitat.

在仔鹅生长发育过程中,摄食的营养物质首先满足增重的需要,再满足羽毛生长的需要。In the growth, the intake nutriment satisfied body weight gain firstly, then fulfill the feather growth.

人直接食用海带摄取的营养物质和海带多糖的量极少。The absorbing amount of nutriment and laminarin from kelp by eating directly by humankind is very little.