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她告诉他,不要把花盆打破。She tells him not to break the flowerpot.

你想让我把花盆里的土都吃了还是咋地?Do you want me to eat dirt from a flowerpot?

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高尔夫球场里的绿草就像长在一个硕大的花盆里。The green is very much like a huge flowerpot.

我想把这个花盆放到窗台上。I'm trying to put the flowerpot on the windowsill.

一个简单的指南针,是有助于划线的花盆切口。A simple compass is helpful for scribing the flowerpot cutouts.

环保花盆的是两个研究人员的工作。The environmentally friendly flowerpot is the work of two researchers.

用作花盆底垫或其他装饰物品的底垫。It is mainly used as the mat of flowerpot and others decorative objects.

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有天,有人把花儿从茶壶挪到了另一个更好的花盆。One day, someone moved the flowers from the teapot to a better flowerpot.

这起事故彻底毁坏了一个教堂、两所房屋和一个花盆。E. g. The explosion completely destroyed a church, two houses, and a flowerpot.

他被楼上掉下的花盆砸伤了头部,这真是飞来横祸啊!He was hit by a flowerpot which fell from upstairs, what an unexpected disaster!

于是,一位仙子就送给她一颗金色的种子,叫她埋在花盆里。And then a fairy gave her a golden seed, and told her to bury it in the flowerpot.

花盆上罩一个玻璃罩子,种在花盆里的花只能遵循这个玻璃罩的形态体式去生长。Cover a flowerpot with a glass hood, let the plants fill every corner in this hood.

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它总是一个进展中的工作,这是多麽简单的花盆架来的。It's always a work in progress, which is how this simple flowerpot shelf came about.

科学家说,他们希望他们的花盆将在市场上一两年。The scientists say they hope their flowerpot will be on the market in a year or two.

某个春日,邻居的小孩又再度拿一株小草过来。小孩把里头那株连根的小草种在盆栽里面,放在床边的窗户上。So it was planted in a flowerpot and placed in the window beside the little boy's bed.

嘿,也许你甚至建立了一个花盆炉,倒在蛋糕平底锅一些锭。Hey, maybe you've even built a flowerpot furnace and poured some ingots in cupcake pans.

盆栽花园里可以选用较大的花盆,然后将多种花卉种在一起。Bigger flowerpot can be chosen in potted garden, plant a variety of flowers together next.

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他们用角蛋白制成的产品中,有一种是花盆。One of the products they have developed is a flowerpot. It may look like other flowerpots.

切勿将水杯、花瓶、花盆和其他盛水或液体的容器放在本机上。Please do not place glass, vase, flowerpot and other water or liquid container onto the instrument.

例如,若画中有窗,需利用与窗子交叠的树枝或花盆将方形打破。For example, if you include a window, break up the form with an overlapping tree branch or a flowerpot.