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关于他们,几乎将有一个不能克服的感觉。There will almost be a sense of invincibility about them.

直到去年春天,我仍然认为自己是无敌的。Until last spring, I still had this feeling of invincibility.

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但有迹象显示,“美国无敌”的信念正在不断削弱。Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning.

也有人说它将永远打破我们的安全感和天下无敌的观念。Someone said it shattered our sense of security and invincibility forever.

无敌光罩,在击落双螺旋桨直升机之后随机出现。Invincibility mask, in the two-propeller helicopter shot down after a random.

情绪从沮丧到暴怒到狂妄自大的严重的情绪波动也是常见的。Severe mood swings ranging from depression to rage to invincibility are common.

在大家都危险的时候给自己无敌保证大家安全。Everyone in the danger to the safety of everyone to ensure their own invincibility.

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多种强化物品,包括加速、隐形、新武器和无敌。Multiple power-ups, including speed-up, invisibility, new weapons and invincibility.

暂烈拳有格档效果,升龙像98一样有长时间无敌。His Zanretsuken has a guard point, and his uppercut is 98 style with long invincibility.

认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility.

认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility.

认为人类无敌的通通看法频繁遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility.

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认为人类无敌的普遍看法经常遭到重新评价人类易犯错误的特点的非难。The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man"s fallibility.

尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、永生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far tenuous than we might think.

尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、长生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far more tenuous than we might think.

中央银行管理是一项微妙的艺术,在很大程度上有赖于央行让自己显得无往不利的能力。Central banking is a subtle art that rests largely on the institution's ability to convey an aura of invincibility.

从那时起,他也再没有参加任何赛事,在他失去世界纪录和无敌为名之后,那是一个清闲的时期。He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility.

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这只是骗人政客们的一部分故事,他们的权力和优越感也能把他们引入歧途。That's just part of the story for cheating politicians, whose power and feelings of invincibility can also lead them astray.

赫连倾绝见莫无敌没能帮自己解穴,气得吼出了声,“咦?The He connects Qing to extremely discern Mo the invincibility didn't can solve cave for oneself, morale roared voice, " Yi?"

坂崎良的身上有了护具,像龙虎之拳2一样。暂烈拳有格档效果,升龙像98一样有长时间无敌。Ryo has a support gear on, like from AOF2. His Zanretsuken has a guard point, and his uppercut is 98 style with long invincibility.