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她真是一个性感迷人的小妞儿!What a foxy dame she is!

“有福不享!”猫跟着又说了一遍。"On Dame Fortune, " repeated the Cat.

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艾伦特里夫人是一位知名演员。Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress.

遇见一位老奶奶,手上挎着一篮蛋。He met old Dame Trot with a basket of eggs.

圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night.

圣母院研究者杰西卡.D.裴恩如是说Notre Dame researcher Jessica D. Payne explains

对于玉婆,正如吟游诗人所说,生活只不过是一个舞台。For Dame Liz, as for the bard, life was but a stage.

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我母亲活到八十,直到最后还是个活泼的女人。My mother lived till eighty, a canty dame to the last.

两仪殿内供奉有圣父、圣母像。Queen honors are inside the Holy Father like Notre Dame.

我听说你痴迷于新大会俱乐部的一位夫人。I hear you're dippy over a dame at the New Congress Club.

或者巴黎圣母院和埃及的斯芬克斯?Or perhaps Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral and Egypt's Sphinx?

本周,戴姆·克莱尔·蒂克尔捍卫了一项教育常识。DAME CLARE TICKELL struck a blow for common sense this week.

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我家夫人有一只跛脚的温驯鹭鸶。我家夫人有一只跛脚的鹭鸶。My dame hath a lame tame crane. My dame hath a crane that is lame.

黛安娜从圣母的学院在人的服务保持一个学士。Diana holds a B. S. in Human Services from the College of Notre Dame.

丹尼尔·兰德是圣母大学的神经人类学家。Daniel Lende is a neuroanthropologist at the University of Notre Dame.

亚眠的巴黎圣母院在晨雾中若隐若现。The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Amiens looms in the early morning mist.

穿件印着巴黎圣母院的汗衫除草不等于你就是天主教徒。Moving your lawn in a Notre Dame sweatshirt doesn't make you a catholic.

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当她上个月在圣母大学被捕后,特里一直陪伴着她。When she was arrested at Notre Dame last month, he was right beside her.

你说对了,因为我昨天刚听过他们的糟糕借口。You're damn right, 'cause I heard them lame dame excuses just yesterday.

年龄在18至30岁的年轻女性或已步入中年人行列的30多岁女性均可报名参赛。The contest is open to women aged 18-30 or above 30 in the "dame" category.