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杜鲁门喝醉了酒,跌倒在一棵树下。Truman was drunk and dropped under the tree.

蒙代尔先生在讲话中引用了杜鲁门的话。Mr. Mondale quoted from Truman in his speech.

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杜鲁门总统和国会同意万尼瓦尔布什。Truman and Congress agreed with Vannevar Bush.

白宫的雪已经积到Truman凉台了.The White House is up to its Truman Balcony in snow.

虽然大多数美国人已经认定杜鲁门必输无疑。Most Americans still believed that Truman would lose.

楚门解释,毕竟麻风病本身并非一种旺盛的疾病。"Leprosy is not a very robust pathogen, " Truman says.

杜鲁门总统同意对苏联方面损失的飞机进行赔偿。Pres. Truman did offer to pay for the damaged aircraft.

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杜鲁门后来撤销了他的指挥官职务。We was later fired from his command by President Truman.

杜鲁门大言不惭地说,原子弹是“历史上最伟大的东西”。The bomb "is the greatest thing in history, " Truman boated.

杜鲁门命令美国海军、空军援助韩国。Truman ordered U.S. naval and air forces to assist the ROKs.

为什么你选择哈里杜鲁门来说明这一点呢?Why did you choose Harry Truman to best illustrate this point?

在1948年的竞选中,杜鲁门参加总统大选。In the election of nineteen forty-eight, Truman ran for a full term.

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杜鲁门没有给麦克阿瑟庄严辞职的机会。Truman didn’t allow MacArthur time to stage a grandiose resignation.

你是骗子和主谋,你对楚门的做法是病态的。You're a liar and a manipulator and what you've done to Truman is sick.

不久,杜鲁门先生宣誓就任第33任美利坚合众国总统。Later Mr. Truman was sworn in as the 33rd President of the United States.

1948年,杜鲁门横穿美国数次进行他的短暂停留访问。In 1948 truman crossed the country several times on his whistle-stop tours.

我常思及乔治?马歇尔、哈里?杜鲁门和马歇尔计划。And I think a lot about George Marshall and Harry Truman and the Marshall Plan.

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对于杜鲁门·卡波特来说,他在堪萨斯州西部的逗留给他带来的注定是一个复杂的结果。For Truman Capote the outcome of his sojourn in west Kansas was decidedly mixed.

楚门阐述道,新大陆上本没有麻风病,是欧洲移民抵达时携带来的。Truman says there was no leprosy in the New World until European settlers arrived.

约翰逊给杜鲁门和他的妻子贝丝赠送了编号分别为“1”和“2”的医保卡。Johnson presented Truman and his wife, Bess, with Medicare cards numbers one and two.