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她是个爱虚荣的女性。She is a vainglorious woman.

我恳求莫要在说些不敬的吹捧了。Make no vainglorious boasts, I beg you.

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他非常喜欢吹嘘自己的战争经历。He was rather vainglorious about his own war record.

你以为真理在你的一方,实在太过自负了。It is very vainglorious of you to think that the truth is on your side.

它们破坏了标准,并给付费公众带来了对文化体验的虚荣模仿。They collapse standards and offer a vainglorious travesty of a cultural experience to a paying public.

最伟大的,乃是舍弃忧愁王国的人,他因此不被目为孤傲和自负。And greater yet than all of these is he who renounces the kingdom of sorrow that he may not seem proud and vainglorious.

我不认为竹篙历任上或在一个虚荣的方式看到自己在所有代表任何性别或任何一代人。I don't think that Penny ever took on or saw herself in a vainglorious manner at all representing any gender or any generation.

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上周,在的黎波里欢呼的反对派爬上了卡扎菲树立的雕像,就是一架美国战机被有力的利比亚人的拳头攥住的那个雕像。Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi’s vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.

你必定对那颗聪明脑袋佩服得紧,尽管你也可能会像那些他的批评者那样认为与这种聪明相伴的不过是他本人的一些虚荣想法罢了。You'd surely go for his first-rate brain, though you might pass on what his detractors consider the vainglorious temperament that comes bundled with it.

据介绍,这个网络商城也是协会“让世博擦亮老字号金字招牌创意计划”中的其中一个。According to introducing, this network store also is association " originality of a vainglorious title of polished old name plans rich letting a world " medium among them.

她的未婚夫德里克,是当地电视台一位虚荣的天气预报员,就在他们起誓成婚之时,击中苏珊的陨石中的一种特殊物质把她变成一个50英尺高的女巨人。Just before she and her husband-to-be, Derek, a vainglorious local TV weatherman, are to say their vows, a substance in the meteor transforms her into a 50-foot-high woman.

这些奖无论是大奖还是小奖,是最近获得的,还是陈年往事,这都不重要,务必要很自负地去写。The tone here should be uniformly vainglorious so that it is impossible to tell whether the award is prestigious or not. It does not matter if the award was received a while back.

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如果哈曼女士自负愚蠢的言语赶走了在英国的投资和生意,她对纳税人造成的损失则远远大于给弗雷德爵士的退休金,而且后果还会更糟糕。If Ms Harman's vainglorious nonsense ends up driving investment and business away from Britain, her ego may yet cost taxpayers more than Sir Fred's pension. And it gets worse than that.

有时,也许实力雄厚而又不乏虚荣的玩家为了胜局的格外眩目愿意让分,但我认为问题的症结并不在此。Possible, sometimes, a strong and vainglorious player may wish to give points, in order that his victory may be the more notable. But I do not think that even this is the true explanation.