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你不想拥有平滑的小腹和结实的胸肌吗?Don't you want a washboard stomach and rock-hard pecs?

做得好,这项工作是有利的内部和外部佩奇。Done properly, this exercise is good for inner and outer pecs.

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我到海滩上总免不了要盯着看健美男士的胸肌。I went to the beach, and I couldn't stop staring at the hot guys' pecs.

否则只会减少胸肌所承受的压力,有时候还会使得面部肌肉变得僵硬。This only loosens tension on the pecs and sometimes gets you a faceful of metal chips.

比如为了让我的胸大肌,二头肌的肌肉更发达,他给我制定了力量训练。Like for example in order to get better muscle tone in my abs, pecs and biceps, he makes me work out with free weights.

这部最新的电影一定要让少女粉丝的芳心大乱,因为漂亮的演员扮演吸血鬼,带着六块腹肌和脱毛的胸肌。The latest film is sure to set girl fans' hearts a flutter as it is packed with good-looking actors playing vampires with waxed pecs and six-packs.

需要有一定的热身和伸展运动作为基础。要注意对髋部、腰、肩还有胸部的热身。A proper warm-up and stretching of all major muscle groups is necessary, with emphasis towards the entire hip girdle and shoulder girdle , including the pecs.

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在目前共聚条件下,PECS抑制锌盐沉积、分散氧化铁的能力较PESA均有不同程度的改善。At present polymeric condition, the capacity of PECS has improved to some extent in zinc salt precipitation inhibition and ferric oxide dispersion compare with PESA.

这一段的大意是,宽握的方式可以让胸大肌获得较大的伸展,较大的伸展使得我们可以徵召更多的肌纤维来参与动作。The position places the pecs on a greater stretch than a shoulder-width grip does, and the greater stretch causes more muscle fibers to be recruited during each rep.

他就是“硬汉”弗拉基米尔·普京,自从他在一艘渔船上脱衣秀胸肌后,他那矫健的身形便声名远扬,让他的“硬汉”形象也更加丰满。Vladimir Putin's action man image is complemented by an athletic body, famously revealed on a fishing trip when he stripped off his shirt to show a fine pair of pecs.

匈牙利城市佩奇目前正在打一场无望取胜之仗,对手竟然是爱侣们秘密固定在市中心的雕像和大门之上、用以像征其爱情永恒的挂锁。The Hungarian city of Pecs is fighting a losing battle against padlocks which lovers are secretly clamping on statues and gates all over the city center as symbols of their enduring affection.