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甚高频干扰台?。VHFJ? Very High Frequency Jammer?

每一个带天线的模块可单独作为某频段的屏蔽器使用。Each module with antenna can be used as a single jammer.

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新增功能以消除干扰机与反间谍飞机的影响。Added ability to remove Counter Spy-Plane effects with the Jammer.

一款爵士乐队玩具“小詹莫”也风靡一时——这次是受男性欢迎。"Little Jammer", a toy jazz band, is also a hit — this time with men.

集中攻击敌人电子干扰机。AWACS Thunderhead Concentrate on shooting down the enemy jammer aircraft.

噪声干扰是雷达导引头需要对付的主要干扰形式之一。Noise jammer is one of the primary jamming that radar seekers have to antagonize.

这项为期六个月的下一代干扰机研究价值估计达600万美元。The six-month Next Generation Jammer study is valued at approximately $6 million.

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机载转发式干扰机施放的速度欺骗干扰是一种共道干扰。The velocity deception jamming released by airborne repeater jammer is of co-channel nature.

讨论在多径环境下,被动雷达导引头对噪声调频干扰源的角度跟踪方法。Methods of multipath jammer tracking with a passive radar seeker are presented in this paper.

集中攻击敌人电子干扰机。运输就能拖延。AWACS Thunderhead Concentrate on shooting down the enemy jammer aircraft. The transport can wait.

那将意味着保留波音的战机,因为只有波音拥有专用电子战战机EA-18G“咆哮者”。That meant keeping the Boeing jet, for only it has a dedicated jammer version, the EA-18G Growler.

比赛的目的是为了帮助本队抢分队员在对方防守中突围。The aim of the game is to help your jammer lap the highest number of blockers on the opposite team.

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红外干扰机是对抗红外制导导弹的有效手段,红外干扰机的效能评估一直是红外对抗领域研究的重点。How to evaluate the effectiveness of infrared jammer is a key problem in the field of infrared countermeasures.

阐述了一种在调制域上实现干扰机收发隔离的方法。A method for realizing isolation between receiver and transmitter of a jammer in modulation field is introduced.

那告诉我,罗密欧,你试图警告谁?手机干扰器。你那伙计,猫王,站在我后面那个?So then tell me, Romeo, who are you trying to alert? Cell phone jammer. And your pal, Elvis, standing behind me?

俄国人的干扰器阻止了我们进行空中支援。只要俄国人能保持这种状态,我们就会输掉这场战役。The Russian jammer neutralize our air support. As long as the Russians maintain their dominant, it's losing fight.

该方法是将干扰机接收并存储的雷达发射信号与噪声信号相卷积后转发出去。The jammer receives the radar signal and convolves it with noise signal. Then the convolution result is retransmitted.

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同时,防守队员需要兼顾攻守来拦截对方的抢分队员。At the same time, the blockers are required to block the opponent's jammer by defending and attacking at the same time.

同时,在无法得到精确干扰状态信息的情况下,提出了一种迭代干扰状态估计及译码算法。If exact JSI was not available, however, an iteratively joint jammer state estimation and decoding algorithm was proposed.

那么这个手机信号干扰器就能还您一片和谐。If you are then this personal mobile phone signal jammer will help you keep peace and harmony around you when you need it.