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必须制止在食品中搀假。This adulteration of food must stop.

大多数情况下掺假没被检出。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected.

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但此后,李林发现陈平仍在继续掺假。However, Li found that Chen continued adulteration.

食品饮料掺假有多么盛行?Just how widespread was the adulteration of food and drink?

在酒中掺杂酒精引起了公众的注意。The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

在酒中掺杂酒精惹起了公家的留意。The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

大多数情况下掺假没被检出。有时FDA会发现。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected. Sometimes FDA caught it.

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听说今年的冬天会特别的冷,不带一丝掺假的冷。Hear the winter of this year will be very cold, do not take a cold adulteration.

这也有一种情况,产品表明有实际的掺杂或贴错假标记。This would also be the case if the products demonstrate actual adulteration or misbranding.

它也教导人们珍惜并重视他们的文化价值,避免负面的掺杂。It also teaches people to cherish and value their culture and avoid its negative adulteration.

在中国发生牛奶掺假的地方,原料牛奶中掺入了水以增加体积。In China, where adulteration has occurred, water has been added to raw milk to increase its volume.

我的冒牌心灵感应学可以瞒骗其他人,但很难混过她这一关。My adulteration mind induction study may deceive other people, but is very difficult to mix her pass.

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其次,他们在乳中的相对会计师丰富可作为检测乳中是否掺杂其它脂肪的依据。Second, their relative abundance in milk fat also provides a means for indicating adulteration by foreign fats.

讨论了甲烷贮存时间和各种洗气剂对甲烷活性的影响,研究了不同掺杂气体对甲烷与空气混合的爆炸极限影响。The effect of storage time, syringing of methane and different gas adulteration on the activity of methane was studied.

在面临今天的质量夸张和添加物质的精油市场,这也成为我们安心为客户服务的基础。In the face of increasing adulteration and quality exaggeration in the marketplace, this is peace of mind for our customers.

马萨诸塞州健康委员会在对3368食品进行调查的过程中,发现有390种食品存在“掺假”行为。Massachusetts Health Foods in 3368 to investigate the process, discovered the existence of 390 kinds of food "adulteration" behavior.

他把研究食品掺假做为自己部门的首要任务,起初他仅仅为这种无害的欺诈行为愤怒。He made the study of food adulteration his bureau's principal business, at first merely outraged by what he deemed essentially harmless fraud.

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制定最高限量将帮助政府区分食品和饲料中的三聚氰胺含量哪些是不可避免的,哪些是蓄意掺假。Setting maximum limits will help governments differentiate between unavoidable melamine occurrence and the deliberate adulteration of food and feed.

自2008年问题奶粉事件的严重程度显现以来,中国中央政府极力向消费者保证能够保护他们。Since the extent of melamine adulteration became apparent in 2008, the central government has fought to reassure consumers that it can protect them.

这样,大家就能够期待我们及时完成法律对设定生产安全标准、预防控制及故意使用添加剂等所要求的规则制定工作。Thus, you can expect timely completion of the rulemakings required to set standards for produce safety, preventive controls, and intentional adulteration.