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有人把床褥抛了出来。Somebody flings a mattress out.

在缺口处得放一块床垫。We must place a mattress there.

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你最好先买张床垫。You'd better get a mattress first.

唯一好处是床褥硬。Only good thing is mattress is hard.

草垫子该晾一晾了。The straw mattress needs to be aired.

床垫并非越薄越好。Mattress is not the thinner the better.

我可以给你找个房间和充气垫。I can get you an air mattress and a room.

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Sears有时候的床垫卖的很好。Sears sometimes has a good mattress sale.

现在床垫只吊在一根绳索上。The mattress now hung by one thread only.

监狱的床是钢制的,床上只铺一个薄薄的垫子。Bed was a steel bunk with a thin mattress.

挑选你的新床垫岛。Select the island of your new " mattress."

我现在睡的床垫下陷了。The mattress I'm now sleeping on is saggy.

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充分绗缝顶部保护您的床垫。Fully quilted top to protect your mattress.

她在床单下面铺了一个弹簧床垫。She laid a spring mattress under the sheet.

印度拉贾斯坦邦,焦特布尔的床垫工厂Mattress factory, Jodhpur, Rajasnthan, India

我们睡在我叔叔的厨房里的一张床垫上。We slept on a mattress in my uncle’s kitchen.

满地都是水还没有防滑垫。The floor is all wet and there is no mattress.

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屈里曼太太把垫褥拖到了一家大门口。Mrs. Tremaine lugged the mattress into a doorway.

经褥起外界的诱感。Has the outside after the mattress the temptation.

今天晚上睡一张床,让亚亚保护我们两个!Sleep a mattress tonight, let second defend our 2!