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他的思想境界非常崇高。His realm of thought is lofty.

而无痕正是这样的一种境界。The Traceless is such a realm.

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一定要有崇高的思想境界的。There must be noble ideas realm.

在古典音乐领域也是如此Same thing in the classical realm.

这是一种怎样的精神境界。This is a kind of spiritual realm.

这就是零风险最高境界的绝活。This is the highest realm of zero risk.

这就是业务建模的领域。This is the realm of business modeling.

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诗歌则支撑了这一内心王国。And poetry bolsters that interior realm.

看啊,这便是我唤作只属于“我”的领域。Behold, this is the realm I call my own.

起首是你进入你的神的国家。First you'd enter the realm of your God.

六字明咒光现法界。Six syllables shine in the dharma realm.

“接在王国上”信息被加了。A "connecting to realm" message was added.

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女王访视她的国土内所有的城市。The queen visited every town in her realm.

为领域和子领域创建规则Creating rules for the realm and sub-realms

公共领域正在着魔,有人死亡了。The public realm goes potty and people die.

域中的所有其他机器都是客户端。All other machines in the realm are clients.

上帝管辖之外的都是普通的。That which is outside God's realm is common.

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勇与畏相融,是人生的一种境界。Yong blending with fear, is a realm of life.

一涧清澈的小溪开辟的另一番境界里。A stream of clear brook opened another realm.

国王把背叛者驱逐出王国。The king banished the traitor from the realm.