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他们无精打采。They slouch.

当然他自己的小说也写的不错。And of course he was no slouch at fiction-writing himself.

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参宿四是一颗红色的超巨星。A red supergiant, Betelgeuse is no slouch of a star either.

这是因为越是高大的人约有弯腰驼背的倾向。This is because taller people have a greater tendency to slouch.

佝偻了整整一个冬季的腰板挺直了,欢快的笑脸充满着希望。For a winter slouch compass, bright smiling face standing full of hope.

你千万不要显得无精打采或是用手指卷头发,否则的话,你的面试可能就完蛋了。Don't slouch or twirl your hair once you're there. If you do, you may be done for.

如果跑的时候向前弯腰,那你的腓肠肌会拉伸过量。If you slouch forward when you run, you may be pulling too hard on your calf muscles.

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如果您在跑步过程中身体开始下垂,做一个深呼吸,您可以感觉到您自己自然伸展。If you start to slouch during a run take a deep breath and feel yourself naturally straighten.

你斜倚在椅子里,面试官会在工作上你也会拖沓松散。If you slouch in your chair the interviewer will think you could be sloppy in your work as well.

人们倾向于在座位上“懒坐”或“弓坐”,这样给后背造成了很大压力。People tend to "slouch" or "hunch" over in their seats which puts a lot of strain on their back.

如果你斜倚在椅子里,面试官会认为在工作上你也会拖沓松散。If you slouch in your chair, the interviewer will think you could be sloppy in your work as well.

米尔布兰特绝非无能之辈,他的酒厂年产40,000箱葡萄酒,已打入日本和丹麦市场。Milbrandt, who produces 40, 000 cases a year and already sells into Japan and Denmark, is no slouch.

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“我说,他训练起狗来还真不赖。”墙头上一个人热情地喊道。"He's no slouch at dog-breaking, that's what I say, " one of the men on the wall cried with enthusiasm.

他们看到他在早饭以后萎靡不振地走着,而且会像叫化子似地,向一个水手伸出手。They saw him slouch forward after breakfast , and , like a mendicant , with outstretched accost a sailor.

允许你身边的人来唠叨你。不久你就不需要人提醒不要弯腰曲背了。A. Give someone close to you permission to nag. Agree on a code word. Soon you won't need reminding not to slouch.

法国葡萄酒产业虽然是全球最大的,但并不擅长宣传土生土长的家族企业形象。The French wine industry – the world's biggest – is no slouch at promoting a sons-of-the-soil, family enterprise image.

孩子们不再是肩并着肩同步迈入成熟期,他们以一种不规则高度个人化的步调懒洋洋的走向成年。Kids don't shuffle along in unison on the road to maturity.They slouch toward adulthood at an uneven, highly individual pace.

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中国网民创造了“葛优瘫”这个词组来描述一种他们称之为“生活无望”的懒散状态。Chinese netizens coined the phrase "The Ge You slouch" to describe a state of idleness which they called "living without hope.

孩子们不再是肩并着肩同步迈入成熟期,他们以一种不规则高度个人化的步调懒洋洋的走向成年。Kids don’t shuffle along in unison on the road to maturity. They slouch toward adulthood at an uneven, highly individual pace.

如果你的个子越高,你越有可能出现腰疼的症状。这是因为越是高大的人约有弯腰驼背的倾向。The taller you are, the more likely you are to suffer with back pain. This is because taller people have a greater tendency to slouch.