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你需要更多的氧气。You need more oxygen.

我们看氧。And, let's try oxygen.

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氧吸附于钨。Oxygen adsorbs on tungsten.

这就是氧和氟。Here is oxygen and fluorine.

这时候,真相宛如一股抚慰伤口的暖流沁入心间。The healing oxygen is truth.

液氧具有顺磁性。Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic.

像一个天然氧吧。It's like a natural oxygen bar.

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拉瓦锡给氧描述特征。Lavoisier characterized oxygen.

对于我们来说,安全就像氧气一样。Security for us is like oxygen.

这是氧化镁。There is magnesium with oxygen.

水是由氧和氢组成。Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen.

这儿是一个数据集,那是氧。Here's a data set. There is oxygen.

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缩短纯吹氧时间2。It shortened oxygen blowing time 2.

水含有氢和氧。Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.

氧化铝,铝加上氧。Aluminum oxide, aluminum plus oxygen.

简直是个天然氧吧。It is virtually a natural oxygen bar.

这些氧气是从哪里来的呢?So where could this oxygen come from?

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唯一奇怪的就是那些氧气罐。The only oddity was the oxygen tanks.

聚酯型聚氨酯硬泡的氧指数达27.5。The oxygen index of the foam is 27.5.

对呼吸困难者给予吸氧。If breathing is difficult give oxygen.