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Kanana营,博茨瓦纳。Kanana Camp, Botswana.

这照片摄取在博茨瓦纳丘比保护区。This was shot in Chobe Reserve in Botswana.

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非洲狮幼崽在博茨瓦那的奥卡万戈三角洲。Lion cubs play in the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

博茨瓦纳和南非都广泛地使用依法韦伦。Botswana and South Africa both use efavirenz extensively.

说茨瓦纳语的人一般住在博茨瓦纳边境附近。Tswana speakers tend to live near the border with Botswana.

埃弗拉伊姆‧瑟梭‧基尔伦是博茨瓦纳哈博罗内的报社记者。Ephraim Thuso Keoreng is a newspaper reporter in Gaborone, Botswana.

茨万吉拉伊定于星期五在博茨瓦纳举行记者会。Mr. Tsvangirai is due to hold a press conference Friday in Botswana.

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博茨瓦那的萨谬提,一只非洲狮幼崽正和它的狮群在一起休息,它正打着哈欠。A small lion cub yawns while resting with its pride in Savuti, Botswana.

博茨瓦纳和南非的所有孕产妇死亡有一半是艾滋病毒造成的。Half of all maternal deaths in Botswana and South Africa are due to HIV.

在一些国家,比如博茨瓦纳,短毛羊已经作为一种食物被广泛饲养着。Hair sheep are already being reared for meat in countries such as Botswana.

莫哈埃重申,博方将继续奉行一个中国政策。Mogae reaffirmed that Botswana will continue to adopt the one-China policy.

名列第二的是塞舌尔,随后依次排列的是佛得角、博茨瓦纳和南非。Next came Seychelles, Cape Verde, Botswana and South Africa, in that order.

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象头数有北部博茨瓦纳和西北津巴布韦的总和那么多。This population covers most of northern Botswana plus northwestern Zimbabwe.

在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,排名最高的博茨瓦纳6.1分排第32位。In Sub-Saharan Africa, Botswana is ranked highest at No. 32 and a 6.1 index value.

的确如此,可惜此理似乎只适用于像波札那等极少数地方。True enough – but only, it would seem, in a small handful of places like Botswana.

梅拉费说,博茨瓦纳政府感谢中国提供的各种援助。Merafhe said that the government of Botswana thanks China for its various assistance.

三只雌性狮子和一对幼兽休息在草地上位于博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲。Three female lions and a pair of cubs rest in the grass in Botswana 's Okavango Delta.

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波扎那以南的珠瓦纳15000的人口面临着艰难的抉择。Hard times lie ahead for the people of Jwaneng, a town of 15, 000 in southern Botswana.

不丹,博茨瓦纳和约旦均为低收入国家,但被感知的腐败程度却相对较轻。Bhutan, Botswana and Jordan are low-income countries perceived to be relatively uncorrupt.

设在哈博罗内的博茨瓦纳国立兽医学实验室无法鉴别这种疾病。The Botswana National Veterinary Laboratory in Gaborone has been unable to identify the disease.