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通过基于云的交换机将固话号码映射给SIP电话map the phone numbers to the SIP phones via the cloud based PBX

找到一个基于云的网络电话路由器,该设备还提供拨号音。find a cloud based VOIP PBX out there that is commercially supported that provides dial tone

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一种PBX功能。使用这项功能可以盯着呼叫者拨打的数字,判断是否应当完成该呼叫。PBX feature that looks at the digits dialed by the caller to figure whether the call should be completed.

我们是一个创新及科技支援计划提供SIP中继和托管PBX解决方案业务和企业客户。We are an ITSP looking to provide SIP Trunking and Hosted PBX solutions to business and enterprise customers.

所有的信号和语音通信交换机之间的交换和提供者是通过IP使用SIP和RTP协议包网络。All signaling and voice traffic between the PBX and the provider is exchanged using SIP and RTP protocol packets over the IP network.

认为PBX材料最主要的破坏机理是界面脱粘和粘结剂的成穴失效。PBX material has several kinds of failure phenomena. Interface debonding and matrix cavitation are the predominant failure mechanisms.

在充分利用原有设备的条件下,文章提出一种连接PBX与IP话机的实用接口电路。Under the fully utilizing original equipment, the article proposes a kind of practical interface circuit, which joins PBX and IP phone.

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当一个呼叫从内部到外部电话放在号码,交换机发送必要的信息提供者的SIP中继谁建立了调用拨打的号码,并作为为调用中介行为。The provider can also terminate PSTN numbers, and route incoming calls for those numbers back to the IP PBX over the SIP can also Trunk.

我们还可以把电话网络与数据网络合为一体,这样你在办公室里就不需要独立的桌面电话,机构里也不需要电话交换机了。It includes bringing the telephone network together with the data network. You won't have a separate desktop phone or a PBX in your organization.

空气污染一直没有消失,但是这些专用分组交换机却已经被全被直拨电话和计算机化的路由呼叫系统替代了。Air pollution hasn’t gone away, but these PBX rigs have been replaced just about everywhere by direct-dial phone lines and computerized call-routing systems.

当话音电话成了另一种局域网应用时,PC机就成了电话,具有呼叫控制服务器的局域网成了用户交换机。When voice telephony is just another kind of LAN application, the PC becomes the telephone, and the LAN-together with its call-control server becomes the PBX.

3deep一开始的创意很简单,PBX技术的优势是否可以应用到迅速发展的智能手机系统?The idea with 3deep started simply, what if the beneficial aspects of this PBX technology could be applied to the fast-growing ecosystem of smart mobile phones?

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利用一维特征线程序模拟该炸药的冲击波起爆过程和爆轰波传播过程。According to this model, we have simulated the process of shock initiation and detonation wave propagation of PBX 9404 by means of a one dimensional characteristic code.

在过去的几周里,我四处在寻觅着一个“商业支撑下、基于云的并可提供拨号音的网络电话交换机”,而一直无法享用SIP电话。I've been looking around for a "commercially supported cloud-based VOIP PBX that provides dial tone" for the past few weeks and I keep coming up empty on the SIP phones.

由于该网络接口系统不做任何数据解释的透明的传输TDM语音帧,从而可以与原有的程控交换机实现无缝接入。For this interface unframed mode transparently transports the TDM frame without any attempt at interpreting the data , it seamlessly interfaces to all existing PBX equipment.

文章详细分析了各种局间信令的特点及优缺点,并对汇接局交换机的信令处理过程进行了典型分析。Because the model and specification of different PBX are different in Gansu power special administration network, different kinds of signaling systems exist between exchange bureaus.

如果把电话中心想象为一个有机生命体,PBX就是它的神经系统,即时向各个部分通报机体运转情况。If you think of a call center as a living being, the PBX would be its nervous system, informing every other part of the organization with instant knowledge on how the business is doing.

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第一部分是公司已经拥有的第三方通讯基础设施组件,例如PBX系统,IP电话,以及企业级业务应用系统和目录。The first element is the third party communications infrastructure components a company has in place such as PBX systems, IP Phones, and enterprise business applications and directories.

从分析中可以看出,全网逐步淘汰随路信令系统,尽可能采用共路信令方式,从接续可靠性、接续速度及简化汇接局的数据库配置方面都具有显著的优越性。The paper analyzes the characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of every kind of bureau signaling systems in detail, and introduces the treating process of signaling in tandem PBX.

对我来说,如果三家换成开放原始码交换机的公司都很满意,这一定会是一个人们会喜欢的广大市场。The bottom line to me was that if all three transitioned to an Open Source PBX system, and were pleased with the outcome as each was, this must be a larger market than people give it credit for.